hello from Afghanistan.

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Apr 15, 2012
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Hello how is everyone doing? My name is Ray, im currently stationed in Afghanistan. Getting around here kind of sucks. So me and a few friends bought bikes. After the harsh reality that most bikes will not ship out here. I finally ended up clicking on a Huffy Fresno (it was my last option I swear lol) and they said they could ship it here. The lame part is now all 3 of us have it. So I was like I wonder if people put springer forks on them and thus how I found this awesome site. I am usually the type to reseach and mod stuff, though being in Afghan working 84 hours a week no days off I would be greatly appriated if someone can help me info wise. I found few webpages that sale springer forks. My question is are are forks universal? and if not does anyone have a huffy Fresno which is the same design as the Cranbrook, that has springer forks on it. I saw a few people's photos using the search engine in here but I did not see specs. Any help with this will be greatly appriciated. God Bless
Welcome from Beaufort SC. Currently stationed here at the naval hospital. As far as a springer fork you have to measure the head tube.. I'm almost positive that the huffy is a 1 inch tube. You may have to trim the for down if its too long. Best of luck and stay safe over there.
Nice to meet you and Thanks for the help. I have been doing some research and i saw someone mention that as well. I found some forks on bicycledesigner.com and with shipping it cost about the same as the bike I bought hahaha. So I might have to wait a bit to order them, but it should be awesome.
Thanks everyone for the warm welcome. I have also seen a lot of contractors with either motorized bikes, custom cruiser and even custom motorized cruisers lol. Since I have been here I never really had a hobby and the more I explore this forum the more I think I want to build a rat rod.
Yo A-kickstan,
Greetings from the Big Sky country! Snows finally going away here, you in the mountains or plains?? Either way, stay safe. Any chance you could find someone to build you some parts there in A-stan?? I'm thinking they could be cool and funky...and maybe made out of old Soviet military gear...recycle, man, think recycle.
Take care and welcome to the group.
I am in Leatherneck its pretty flat here. I was thinking about having a rear carrier rack made with two ammo cans on the side. Anything we find cool get turned into PMO. My plans were just to make the bike I got slightly different. I was gonna go Banana seat, sissy bars, bent forks and some other minor details. Getting the parts out here seems to cost more than the parts though. The forks I was looking at were 102 after shipping. my bike was only 99 :( hahaha. I am just glad to have a bike out here to give me a little break and freedom.
I was delievering a truck to Force Protection and they hooked me up with 2 ammo cans for the back and said I could use their welders to make a post to put them on in the back. I will post up pics as soon as it is made.

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