Hello! from Finland

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Jun 8, 2009
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So its me postin for first time. 27 yr old male from southern Finland .
Been reading a bit of the forum before , but mainly browsin the amazing bikes in the gallery!
Here up north we dont have any of them schwin bikes, or much cruisers, exept new ones from the shop but that aint the spirit.
But i luckily found some 60´s bike frames, the kinda that came with bananaseats. That i took apart etc. first been ready a long time.
And other one is just lackin some grindin and weldin, to spread the rear frame, and also got this double-crown that fits in just need some tube to make the fork.
And also got rear wheel with nexus 7 hub for the project.
I´ll be postin pics when its ready.
cheers! Timppa
and thanx for fast help Rat!

heres some of my other bikes !
this is jupiter but i have another frame that i have its identical but brand was oegland
this is finnish jopo from 70´s its a monogogue frame
my girlfriend´s bike its danish jupiter
this is tunturi pop finnish from 60´s
and this is nopsa kombi also 70´s it is a crazy one !

Looking forward to your finished bike. Just don't forget that we LOVE to see progression-pics. Show HOW you do WHAT you do. Framechoice over here (Holland) is limited to. I agree what you said about the factory-'customs' being sold nowadays. They lack some soul. I'm missing the romantisism from the past. Maybe the ghost of the previous owner. All the ghosts in the little parts that make a custombike. Your own spirit in the parts you fabricated yourself. All that makes a 'hotrod' a unique piece of machinery. Don't get me wrong... If I had the money I probably would own a couple of them new cruiserbikes because some of them are irresistable and look downright mightyfine.

But to focus on what's available for a good price is the right thing to do I guess. Making a goodlooking hotrod out of an ordinary old bicycle isn't that easy. But if you do, it will double your wordscore...

Good luck.
So here´s some pics of the current project by audience´s request.






The fork will be quite long so the seat vil become horizontaly correct.
And the frame will be leaning back a lot !:shock: !
so its gonna be chopperlook this time!

Let´s hope that i get to progres soon.
Hey Timppa! That green bike is one of the coolest bikes I've seen! I like everything about it! :D Hope you're current project comes out to your satisfaction!
Tervehdys kaima, hienot on pyörät! Sydän sykkii erityisesti Kombille ja Jupiterille, eikä Zombie-Jopokaan yhtään hullumpi! Tässä mun Jupiter jonka sain valmiiksi viime viikolla puolen vuoden aherruksen jälkeen kisaa varten: viewtopic.php?f=32&t=18634
Kadonneen keulamerkin jälkien perusteella merkiksi paljastui Jupiter, vai onko sittenkin Öglaend? you tell me.
Tässä introni:

Mikä muuten on Jupiterisi tai Öglaendisi sarjanumero? Omani on 3395331. Tarkka vuosimalli olisi hauska selvittää, nyt voin vaan arvailla.
Mistä päin etelä-suomea olet? Looks like we have a finnish/Jupiter invasion going on here, lol :) Kidding.
Welcome bro.

Kiitosta vain kaima :) ! omasikin on varsin onnistunut ja kliini! hiano Suomi-racing teema

Lohjalla päin asustelen nykyään 28v veijari avovaimon ja kolmen koiran kera

Toinen oegland mikä näkyy tos kuvissa osina on keula putkia vailla valmis,
ja kolmaskin löytyy työstöä vaille lojumassa.
Käsittääkseni jupiter ja oegland ovat käyttäneet samoja runkoja,
koska yhden ostin jupiter logoilla ja identtinen runko muutoin.
Ja kyllä! itse aion vyöryttää viällä monta scandi pyörää kehiin,
pyrin käyttämään mahdollisimman paljon kierrätys osia mieluummin vanhempia 60-70 luvun:)
sarja nro löytyi vain jupiterin rungosta keskiön alta :dk 3515

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