Hello from North Carolina

Rat Rod Bikes Bicycle Forum

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Feb 13, 2014
Reaction score
Statesville North Carolina
Rating - 100%
14   0   0
47, married with 2 kids. Born and raised in Southern California (desert) residing in North Carolina since ''96. Marine Corps 1987 - 1991, Desert Storm vet. Started working in the NASCAR racing business in '95 driving the trucks that haul the race cars. It beats hauling lettuce and tomatoes! Got into riding/jumping/wheelying bikes at a young age in the height of the bmx movement. I continue to ride for fitness and race a few big mtn bike races a year. As far as my bike habit goes, I buy, sell and trade. My wife reminds me I have yet to sell or trade, haha. I fancy the ballooners, but am not partial. I own a variety of different bikes and they all seem to have a story.I really love to fix things. I find greater pleasure in refurbishing a bike than buying one ready to go. It hurts to see a bike get parted out, but I understand. It's been a long time since we parked a car in the garage. I like bikes.

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