MagicRat said:
A helmet could save your skulll...but it could also break your neck.
You decide.
I have heard this many times so I spent some time researching it on the internet and from what I understand this is a myth attributed to the opposition to motorcycle helmet laws
I posted this topic to make people rethink helmet wearing and never would tell anyone they have to wear one I believe its a choice
I found this on a motorcycle safety website but seems to me the general thought
The first popular myth is that helmets break necks. This seems like a somewhat logical idea if one considers that a helmet puts more weight on one’s head which can create more weight
when the rider is thrown from the motorcycle and then snap one’s neck.
Unfortunately, a lot more thought goes into the design of helmets making this entire myth ridiculous. The helmets that are approved by transportation departments have the ability
to absorb the energy in a crash that is capable of breaking a rider’s neck upon impact. Helmeted motorcyclists actually suffer far fewer neck injuries than those who do not wear helmets.
The second myth is that helmets block a rider’s ability to see or to hear danger coming. This sounds good except that the statistics that exist show that riders who have helmets crash less
frequently than those without them. No one is quite sure why this correlation exists but it does.
A third myth is that helmets don’t help in most crashes. This myth comes from the relatively low test speeds for helmets. People assume that helmets are not tested quickly because
they won’t do any good at higher speeds.
This is a fine assumption except that statistically speaking, the majority of accidents happen at low speeds within the range in which helmets are tested.