Better pics.. The rear rim says Morrow on the coaster arm. I couldn't find a date on it. The front hub says New Departure W.

Whats CWC? I am trying to get a brand so I can date it.. It has the rear facing dropouts with the screw thingys..necessaryevil said:Frame looks like CWC to me. Maybe a hawthorne or something. But heck, for a dollar call it whatever you want.
ratina said:CWC = Cleveland Welding Company
They made frames for Roadmaster, Hiawatha, Hawthorne, etc.
Yours look identical to the one im trying to identify as well
FaceOFFbikes said:ratina said:CWC = Cleveland Welding Company
They made frames for Roadmaster, Hiawatha, Hawthorne, etc.
Yours look identical to the one im trying to identify as well
Thats crazy! we have the same bike, and the schwinn fork thingy is common huh? lol