Help !?! schwinn kickstand removal

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Mar 9, 2007
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Southern Illinois
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yes Im a retard, i cant figure out how to get the kickstand out of the body kickstand tube, Im not afraid to swing a hammer but it appears theres a pin on the bottom side i cant grip, didnt know if this is a stop peg for the stand or what.

Assistance in kickstand removal is appreciated in advance, thanks for humoring me. :D

there are ways to get it out with two people here it goes. fold the kickstand in the upwards position and stick a big flat tip screwdriver behind the crook so that the tip hits the round part poking out from the frame. the other guy (who is in the line of fire holds a pair of needle nose pliars on the pin. now then pull out with the screwdriver and if everything goes right the spring will compress to the point that the pin can be removed then release the pressure and remove the stand. there is however a tool for this and if you plan to do more than one of these i highly recomend getting it as some kickstands are under a pretty amazing amount of pressure.
thanks for the replys, think ill end up buyin the tool, i just bought a chain breaker today anyway so why the hell not a kickstand tool too !!!

thanks for the link rat rod, i can read pictures !!! :D
Unless the tool is cheap I wouldn't bother. A friend made me a tool but I've seen it done with just channel locks. Karfers way sounds good.
aka_locojoe said:
Unless the tool is cheap I wouldn't bother...I've seen it done with just channel locks.
The tool isn't too bad in price. Unless you're doing a lot of bikes with the schwinn-style kickstand (and some NEW bikes are using it, not just schwinn!), don't buy it (or do buy it and be the coolest kid on your block!)
i would buy the tool i have seen fingers damaged by trying to use the wrong tools to remove it. if you choose not to use the tool just go slow and becareful. or it is gonna be hard to post with 9 fingers :mrgreen:
I did it with the channel locks and small nut and the kickstand almost fell out on it's own!! Its easier than it seems
Nothing covers how much fun it is to reinstall the kickstand :? Sure it says to do the steps backwards from removal but in the real world that is a chance getting the nut and the channel locks lined up just right and the spring not catching on the frame while you are trying to compress it. So after much screaming and about to order a tool online ..EXPRESS delivery , my neighbor comes over to lend a hand, (and tools) so after he looked over what I was working on he came up with an excellent solution, first off tools needed 1. channel locks,even better a vise 2,needle nose vise grips (one tool I need to purchase) Basicly compress the spring while it is out of the frame, with vise or channel locks and when the spring is all the way compressed get the needle nose channel locks so that they are positioned with the points toward the spring and lock them onto the kickstand, then release the channel locks or vise and you can install the kickstand and drop in the pin with a lot less stress.
After messing with stuborn on I built this using a Harbor Freight clamp and a slit piece of tube. Slit in tube fits over crank arm.A round head screw in the other jaw locks it to the back side of the kickstand tube. Tighten to compress spring and pin falls to floor to be lost forever :lol:


By xc204 at 2011-05-15
I have a question: My kickstand is in the "up" position but is not all the way up. And when it is in the "down" position, it is too far forward. Once I get the kickstand removed, is there a way to correct this? Has the bushing rotated. Is that even possible? Like to know before I go and pull this thing apart.

There's a triangular piece with notches that the end of the kickstand rubs up against, there's pins in the kickstand that use these for alignment it may be possible it was assembled wrong. I believe I fixed one like that one time but it's been awhile. Pop that triangular piece out and try a few orientations.
I used the Channel lock, and small nut method. Took all of 5 seconds to get the pin out, super easy :D
I have tried many of the methods previously listed but still can't get the pin to come out. It gets really loose but seems like it is still catching on something. How much pressure is used to compress the spring? I am using a 100 lb vise and have tried big channel locks also. My will not stay up. Does anyone have a close up shot of the removed pin? Could it be turned wrong or flanged out on the end? Any help would be greatly appreciated!

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