Heritage Bicycle's and TailDraggers Bicycle show> NEW PICS<

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Re: Heritage Bicycle's and TailDraggers Bicycle Show May 11th

thnx for the pics guys !!!!

scott sorry 2 hear about ur ladys leg !!! OUCH /.//
as i was lookin thru the pics i didnt see any of ur ART ...
Re: Heritage Bicycle's and TailDraggers Bicycle Show May 11th

Skipton said:
The show was a FANTASTIC SUCCESS!!!!
Thanks to everyone who came out!
Can't say enough Postive Things about Heritage Bicycles
For letting us have a show at the store, and all there help!! :mrgreen:
Can't agree more, Thanks to everybody that participated in the show,
Big Thanks to Skipton for thinking to put the show together!
Couple of shots,

Heritage General store's truck was a hit with the kids

The Peoples Choice Award voting was Very, Very Close. Skipton"s Bellowing Yellow and Blue X were in the running but XC204's Street Skinny Typhoon received the most votes and the trophy.
Re: Heritage Bicycle's and TailDraggers Bicycle Show May 11th

Just a few more

The father son team... Taking home the trophies

Went for a quick ride after the show.
Got a really good cheeseburger

Craiggo getting ready to load up the bikes

My friend and I made it home safe! It was a really good day in Chicago. I finally met some people from this site in person and I got to see other peoples bikes in person. I think the bikes took a lot of wind resistance on my car. It usually gets 30 mpg or more and I calculated about 20 mpg with the bikes! :eek: Of course, a BIG thank you to skipton for putting this all together for us and everyone that helped too!


Love the photos,

The pic of you guys behind Cliff's van is perfect .

I'm so glad you guys made it into town. Always great to meet a RRB Member.

All of your bikes are Killer!

Hope to see you again soon.
thankyou guys looks like it was a awesome show n ride ,I guess when you fall over landscape timber at 6;00 in the morning leg gets broke she gets more ct scan Monday ,hopefuly we can all meet up again ,thank you
That pic of Bellowing Yellow (was that the name?) against the brick wall is great.

Looks like a good time.
aka_locojoe said:
That pic of Bellowing Yellow (was that the name?) against the brick wall is great.

Looks like a good time.

Thanks Randy

Bellowing Yellow is right

We had such a great time!..... Next year I think we will have "Save The Baby" Races :mrgreen:
"Save the baby races"? What does that entail?

Once again, had a blast. Off course there were great bikes to be seen and ride'n. But even more so we got to hang, converse, and connect with people of a similar mind set, one there's not many people of. I thoroughly enjoyed the day and know my son had a blast playing in the bus with the other boys. Thanks for those who organized and ran it. Also not sure if you know how much it means to my son to go home with a trophy, but I can tell you he is very proud to have won it and share it. Thanks
Onewheelsqueel said:
"Save the baby races"? What does that entail?

Once again, had a blast. Off course there were great bikes to be seen and ride'n. But even more so we got to hang, converse, and connect with people of a similar mind set, one there's not many people of. I thoroughly enjoyed the day and know my son had a blast playing in the bus with the other boys. Thanks for those who organized and ran it. Also not sure if you know how much it means to my son to go home with a trophy, but I can tell you he is very proud to have won it and share it. Thanks

Save the Baby.... Looks like a BLAST!
http://locojoe.com/coasters/index.php?s ... e+the+baby

Starts around 2:50

So cool that you and your son both won a trophy.. You did amazing job on the Elgin and your sons Batam is to cool.
My sons had a blast also playing with your son and Johnny all day in the bus

You really nailed it about connecting with like minded people. And we and the bikes were so well received by the "regular bike people"

Second time of three times I've gotten a flat when I've came out there and cruised. Found the Elgin with a flat yesterday when I went in the garage. At least it's the front, it's a little more to get the rear off. Lol

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