Hi from Peacock Customs

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Jan 4, 2007
Reaction score
Auckland, New Zealand
Rating - 0%
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I'm Andrew, I'm 13 years old, and I love kustoms bikes!

I enjoy designing bikes and CADing them in 3D, check out my work at http://www.freewebs.com/nzchopper.

I have put together a few bikes and I hope to be starting on a kustom chopper soon which will be made from an old mountain bike

The other day I put together this bike from an old BMX I pulled out of the rubbish and the mountain bike that is soon to be chopped up, its my first really one of a kind bike, and I love riding it!


welcome ...it's nice to see someone
cuttin up bikes so young!

keep up the good work....

nice little Custom in the Pic..
Your Chiropractor must love you! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

keep em comin,
Thanks for the feedback :D

Yes it is a bit hard on the back, crazy riding position!

And a block of firewood and a sheet of plywood do make a good jump Clothespin "n"! I like building jumps for my mtb out of old bits of scrap wood I find all over the place :wink:

You are the first official Kiwi on the board. :lol:

Love the wheel combo on this bike.....nice work!

:D Welcome Peacock, you are probably
enjoying nice warm weather right now
are'nt you.

Good job on the bike, looks like it
would be great for going down steep hills :lol:

How about showing us the type of bikes you get

Thanks for the positive feedback

Yeah it is warm here in NZ, even if it is the coldest summer we have had in about 30 years or something. There is still snow in the South Island!

The wheel combo on this bike makes it really fun to ride, and that spring seat I took off an exicycle is really comfy!

The sort of bikes we get down here are mostly lowriders, there are a lot of people that go out and spend mountains of money on them, although everyone went crazy for the Big Mo choppers when they came out. We didn't get the Stingrays here. As for cruisers and classic bikes, there are a lot of people doing up old Raleigh choppers and selling them off to collecters, but there has been only a coulpe of people that I have spoken to that are really interested in bike customization

But the chopper craze is slowly giving way to BMX bikes and mountain bikes, which is sad, but there will always be us dedicated followers :mrgreen:

And no I did not win the BBO dumpster diver, I was expecting to come last but I was hoping I would get at least one vote!
:) The warm weather sounds nice, my stepdaughter just came
back from there before Christmas and said it is a great country!

Andrew I still think that frame is cool and would look good with the longer forks, 20" tire and a banana seat. The two top tubes could be filled in with sheet metal & Bondo or something. Would make a good place for graphics, shifter or gadgets.
Thanks Randy, hey that looks really cool and I think I may be able to nick off with a banana seat and sissybar off a friend who has an old lowrider bike he doesn't use. I will try it with the 20" front wheel now
OK, I just tried it with the 20" front wheel, and even though it looks more balanced out, it doesn't really have that tilt that sets it off. I don't really want to cut up these forks just yet cause those are the ones I am using for my chopper build, but what I can do it try and scavenge the bent springer forks off the lowrider the same time I get the banana seat/sissybar. What you can do with them is turn the crown backwards, giving it the look and riding quality of a straight springer, and hopefully that will be extended enough to give it that tilt that makes it so fun to ride!

Thanks for the suggestion though, I will keep it in mind

I took it apart and had all the pieces sitting outside exposed to the elements when I was building my chopper, and I was hoping to replace the midget bike with my chopper as the bike that I ride to school, but since the chopper has become such a higher quality build than I expected, I've put the midget bike back together so I can ride that to school again since I don't want to risk having the chopper damaged by the bunch of pricks that are jelous of my ability to think up these sort of crazy bikes and designs.

It has a few changes, but I'm gonna be forever on the lookout for old worthless parts that may make the midget bike look even crazier!

I never really came up wtith a good name for that bike...
Today I managed to get my hands on a 16" bike which I used the front wheel off, I kept the 26" forks and now its a lot more balanced and almost looks like a dragster bike! (sorry for the shadowy pics)



64lowrider said:
And no I did not win the BBO dumpster diver, I was expecting to come last but I was hoping I would get at least one vote!

Now Andrew, it seems to me that a certain Carboard friend of mine voted for you! :mrgreen:

You keep at it, cause one day soon, you're gonna WOW the world! I haven't been on CBN in awhile, you got a bike or two in the build off?
She's along one! Looks very aggressive. Gotz to find some white grips for her. Good job and good luck! :D

I'm just about done with my shop cleaning, probably next week at the latest. Then I can hopefully get back and finish all my unfinished projects!

Good talking with ya,
Today I helped my friend paint his BMX forks, and I loved the colour of the primer so much I had to give a whole bike that treatment



My friend didn't have the right size socket to get the rear wheel off so I'm gonna do the back half some other time.

If the primer lasts a week then theres no point going over with some cool colour but if the primer lasts 1 or 2 months without flaking I'll give it a go

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