HiaWhatThe? might have to call her done,not sure yet

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Greg and Eva,

We just want you to know that we haven't forgotten about you.

God Bless You Both!!!

Your RRB Family

Thanks folks.We are very scared right now and many things are on hold.The doctors at Barnes Hospital called and they have nothing more to offer Eva in the way of surgery or radiation(a heck of a blow).Our oncologist in Springfield IL plans to use an aggresive anti-angeogenesis chemo in a final effort to help Eva.
I have gotten in contact with a Gail Goodwin in Manhattan that has an FDA approved experimental drug in trial hold at the moment.It supposed to be a radical aproach to cancer that she thinks will rock the world(time will tell)
I have also contacted the Oasis of Hope in Mexico,they have nearly a 100% success rate against newly diagnosed cancer and around 50+% for stage IV such as Eva compared to the USA's 5%.

I hope to make a few final touches to the HiaWhatThe but time will tell and tomorrows appointment will set the stage a little bit for us.Then maybe I can find some time.
All Ive accomplished lately is finding a guy with some cool bmx bikes for sale,hope to pick them up tomorrow and post pics.
You and Eva are in my thoughts and prayers. We are all hoping for the very, very best. I can't even fathom what you both are going through right now.
From someone you don't know, but a fellow rat rodder friend, sending good and positive thoughts your way. Stage IV can been licked! I'm glad you have good options, very interesting about the stats of the Mexico Center!
EastOfEastLos said:
From someone you don't know, but a fellow rat rodder friend, sending good and positive thoughts your way. Stage IV can be licked! I'm glad you have good options, very interesting about the stats of the Mexico Center!
Strength and hope be with you.
kingfish254 said:
Jake Sensi said:
Peatbog said:
Man, I can't even imagine what you and your wife are going though. And we can do is hope and pray for you.
Strength,Love,Hope and Peace
Extra prayers being sent up for y'all.
Give Eva a hug for us.
tvc15 said:
I wish for the best results possible for the two of you!
+2 I hope for all the best
Sorry for the RRB vacation folks.I truly appreciate all the support.We have begun Eva's treatments and are hopefull!!Hope is about all we have at the moment.
I decided a while back to call the build done,I had a few additions in mind but they really would not have effected the final appearance of the bike much,just fluff and fill kind of stuff.I feel the bike is clean and effective as it stands so I will be transferring it to the finished forum shortly.And i like the pic I used a while back soo much I will use the same pic unless it violates rules or something,its just a great pic of the bike.

I have managed to pick up some bikes here and there and do some cleanups and parts swapping on them but not any big jobs,Eva requires alot of my attention at the moment.

Hope her treatments work, your family is on our prayer list. Its good therapy to turn a wrench on a bike it helps clear your mind of the stresses of life, atleast it does for me. And get that bike posted
Gdcast said:
Hang tough and always hope for the best, prayers and good thoughts coming your way from all over the world.
Yup,we are hangin in there.
What an awesome build off.Sure didnt see some of the finished bikes being as amazing as they are--WOW

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