Did the test on the oven and spray booth. The booth worked great no powder anywhere except the part and on the filters. The oven and control also did their job just like I had hoped. Very happy with the setup it takes up about the space of two close parked bikes and is on wheels so I didn't loose too much space in the garage . The only thing I need to do now is to pound in an 8' ground rod outside by the booth corner so I get a real good part ground at the booth.
Ric it's wrapped with hi temp PC masking tape Kapton is the material name I think. Doug what did you say...you may just be a hologram you know! This is a link to one of the holographic universe experiments at the Lab and I haven't the foggiest what they are doing I just did the safety system for the Lasers and building. http://holometer.fnal.gov/faq.html
Very cool way to adapt and conquer. I powder in a wall oven I found on craigslist that I have setting on a tv stand. Works great but I can't do frames.
Arrg my controller took a dump and no longer accepts a temperature setting. I have a spare that I'm going to put in this morning I was going to use that one for the small oven.
Did the frame and found out how hard it is to get coverage with me and the cheap HF gun. 2nd coat coming up. I did develope a hanging method for the frame and a staging spot to put it on the rod that it hangs from in the oven.
Sometimes figuring out the best way to hang a part is the biggest challenge! You have to get real creative sometimes. Also, one of the most important things is to have a really good ground, which I'm sure you have already figured out.
Pick ya I did put a dedicated ground rod into the floor by my "booth" I made a hanger for the head tube out of a 3/4" conduit clamp and eye bolt it is a tight spring fit into the head tube the one for the seat tube is a 1/2" conduit fitting and eye bolt I slit the threaded area and rigged a a tapered plug to expand the threaded area of the fitting to fit the seat tube tight. I sanded out a clean area in seat tube and head tube for contact. My limits are now skill and the cheap HF gun.
Got a new gun last week haven't tested it out yet but should run rings around the harbor freight gun .the HF gun puts out about 10-15 Kv and the Hyper Smooth 02 dpw up to 100 kv with a modulated wave form to get into nooks and crannies that a bike has a lot of. Will post some photos later today.
Finally got around to testing out the new Hyper Smooth 02 DPW powder coating gun from Columbia Coatings. Had one false start on Sat. before our ride....messed up manual that came with gun it didn't match the unit and appears to be a translation from Chinese. Sunday went well after finding a video on YouTube not by the company but some user that showed the hookup. powder flow was right to the part with hardly any waste like the harbor freight gun had but most important it got into the nooks and cranny's that the HF gun didn't.