How do i get a neck pipe out of a fork?

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Dec 8, 2007
Reaction score
Marine City, Michigan
Rating - 100%
6   0   0
camera-gate422.jpg got stuck, i got mad...enough said.
I started smacking the HECK out of the poor raleigh stem, because it got started bending...and not i though...cut it off...So i did...mostly. i SOAKED the thing id WD-40...


I tried heat...maybe im heating it wrong
These can be tough - obviously. Ideally you would heat the fork tube to expand it, and cool the stem to contract it so they separate, but that is difficult to do. I have my best success with clamping the fork in a vise, heating the heck out of it, and twisting the stem with a big pipe wrench. Once I get some movement, I put the PB Blaster to it. Once it moves fairly freely, I tap upward on the wrench with a hammer, which (hopefully) pulls the stem out.
Try turning the fork up side down and soaking the bottom with penentrating oil/wd40. Then take a big screwdriver or something and whack it with a hammer from the bottom.
you could try putting the fork into a vice, driling a hole in the tube that is stuck in the fork, inserting a rod through that hole and turning it to loosen then get it out.
fast eddie said:
you could try putting the fork into a vice, driling a hole in the tube that is stuck in the fork, inserting a rod through that hole and turning it to loosen then get it out.
Something i never thought of...and it sounds easy

Ill do that first!!!
Then grease it, then do crassly's
mastershake916 said:
TheFlyingDingo said:
mastershake916 said:
Well, if the stem is aluminum, soak it in amonia.
I dont think it is...but what will it do?
It breaks the bond that aluminum and steel make, that regular oils and solvents can't break.
I gotta mess with that

What happens...does it like, start breaking apart?
I've been outbid and sniped on everything on ebay that I've been interested in during the past several months, but I did come across two bits of information from a seller who's advice I've tried and it came out very handy and useful:

1) Pour lemon juice down the stem and let it soak overnight.
2) Put a crappy pair of handlebars into the stem the next morning and use that to pound on and for leverage rather than hitting the stem itself.

The first time I tried it it worked like a charm. Something like CLR might work better for you than lemon juice since it is basically a store-bought version of pure acid, but I can't go near that stuff myself due to the vapors. But the lemon juice and cheap handlebars worked beautifully.

p.s-if the person who just sniped me on that '36 Hawthorne Zeppelin is on this forum, keep it to yourself or I will find out where you live and kick you in the nuts. Straight in the nuts I say!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Seriously, I will...
GodHatesCleveland said:
p.s-if the person who just sniped me on that '36 Hawthorn Zeppelin is on this forum, keep it to yourself or I will find out where you live and kick you in the nuts. Straight in the nuts I say!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Seriously, I will...
Easy now

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