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Jan 10, 2011
Reaction score
So Cal
Rating - 0%
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The city placed one of those your speed radar signs near my house. It was like they were challenging me. I went by the first time and it said "Slow Down" the second time I found that it would only give you a speed up to 25 MPH. Aaahhhhh That's no fun! But I thought I would throw out the challenge.
So they have the sign limited to 25mph? That's no fun, anytime I've seen them they show actual speed OVER the limit, which I agree is dangerous because when I drive past them I like to see how far I can make them go once I notice them.
yoothgeye said:
So they have the sign limited to 25mph? That's no fun, anytime I've seen them they show actual speed OVER the limit, which I agree is dangerous because when I drive past them I like to see how far I can make them go once I notice them.
Then you check the mail and there's 20 speeding
going by my bike computer on my favorite stretch, i hit 24.9mph. there is a long pretty level street near me i call my salt flats where i tried it a few times, but i could never hit 25. if i get my skinny tire stretch back together and get a new computer (i can't seem to keep one working) i'll try again eventually.
I've hit 28 on a downhill on my mountain bike (on asphault). I haven't had my road bike long enough to put a speedo on it yet...
My bike speedometer has indicated 30.xmph on my mountain bike, downhill, top gear, pavement, given'er all I gots! Almost threw up, but wanted to have over 30mph saved in my computer.

When I took the Schwinn Prelude road bike to Pittsburgh this summer riding on the roads downhill, if I wasn't donig over 45mph then I was standing still... scared me to death!
I have the Allsport GPs app on my andriod phone. It shows average speed, miles ridden and several other stats. Pretty cool and it saves all your rides and tabulates monthly and yearly miles.
I legitimately cruised @ 45+ mph on a down grade on AZ hwy.89 on my Felt Torch! What a rush! We did a group ride from the summit down to Sedona AZ a few years ago. One of our members had a GPS dialed in and the group as a whole averaged over 30 mph on that ride. :mrgreen:

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