iven said:MulhollandBikes&co said:Ouch! that chain looks like it took some damage :X For thirty? It looks like it's gonna take about $100 (More or less) to restorate that thing =\ I'll do it for fifty! haha XDiven said:got this last night..
its pretty ratty, but it worth $30 ? :lol:
You's High.. :lol:
it may cost $50 to get it completly restored..
Apes gonna cost the most
maybe $100 if i put disc brakes on it, in which case i would sell the wheels :idea:
its gonna have a Banna/sissy some apes 'maybe disc brakes'
maybe ill do a fancy lace pattern or large gauge spokes, maybe ill get mags XD
A Black Banana Seat and chrome sissy would look amazing on it. Chrome rims for the tires would look pretty boss too. What size apes you talkin'? I think 18" would look good but thats just me :lol: go with what fits yah. And a springer would look better on that then those chopper styled ones.