Its your stuff and I would be the last person to tell someone what to do with their stuff....but it seems a shame to break up a bike with such cool lines. the tank fits that bike perfect and without it .....Its just another twin frame bike. That bike has as cool of lines as any I have seen and cries out to be restored. You ought to stick a price on the whole bike and let someone redo it like it deserves. Sorry If I'm out of line on this one. :roll:
You're right. The tank is back on, used some cleaner wax on it, straightened out the front fender & put on a different front rim. Few more things to do. Oh & don't tell my wife about the bike being on the carpet in the basement family room.
Or better yet ...sit down with a cold beer and think of a price ,and pm me . You know your going to sell it eventually . This will save you from getting in trouble with your wife. :wink: