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Rat Rod

Owner & Founder
Dec 31, 1969
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Say a prayer for the folks in Houston and the gulf area....looks like things may get nasty.

Rat Rod's Dad, Uncle Stretch and buzzy are all down that way.
Everyone in my family made it through in one piece.

We got a little rain up here in Dallas, but barely anything.

Sounds like the biggest trouble now down there is lack of power...for possibly up to 2 weeks! :shock:
Yeaaa Rick, same here on the Western side of Michigan. For the last 2 days it's been raining non-stop and I'm not joking! So much for the weekend. :(

Raining since friday....finally flooded today
Yesterday was bad here...all the sewers were gushing water, tons of houses flooded, roads blocked, parks completely underwater, etc. finally quit raining! Hope everyone down there is ok!!
picked up tree limbs in my yard here in illinois for about an hour today from the early storms rollin through. just made me think how lucky i am bein here and not further south. hope all is well and your troubles are few down there !!!
Hope everyone fared well. We've been praying for you.

We just got power back here in Central Ohio. Went out yesterday at 3:00pm... They said it'd be a week before we got it back because all the AEP crews were down in Texas helping down there... We were getting line crews from the Carolinas! What a mess.
My Uncle...Uncle Stretch, had part of his garage roof blown off apparently.

It's been hard getting info from down there because the cell phones aren't working well.

The biggest problem at the moment is no electricity and unusable water in many areas of town.
yes no power and no water,we made it through ike lost 2 trees one feel close to the house but missed it by 2or 3 feet

i have generator i wired it to the breaker box have all power but no AC

work has no power but still have to go,we have big generators :roll:
My thoughts and prayers go out to all you guys affected by the hurricanes lately. I know the going is tough and is a strain on everyone. I've worked the aftermath of three major storms on the Gulf and the images you see on the tube don't portray the real experience of those most affected by it. I've had to connect portable generators to structures before. If you don't have a transfer switch, it is best to get the utility company remove the meter from your box. This way you can't back feed power to the high lines and jepardize the safety of utility crews working on the lines or any other structures that may still be connected to your service line (liability protection). It will also protect your generator should any ground contact between the high lines occur which is likely to happens as clean up progresses.. Also be aware of carbon monoxide gases emitted by the generators. This is from experience. Hope everything goes well. Thanks!!!
hey guys i live in galveston and ike tore up the island pretty bad the area where i live go 7ft of water every thing i own is messed up the clothes i left the furniture is water logged my wood floors buckled its bad and as far the bikes i just have a big pile of rust but as far as im coserned ive got every thing inportant my family and my life
Believe it or Uncle Paul...Uncle Stretch is still without power down in Houston.

Day 11 without any electricity. :shock:

My Mom and Grandparents are still out too.

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