Hye from dunkerque France

Rat Rod Bikes Bicycle Forum

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Nov 25, 2007
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hello from france my name is Ludo , I do not post much because my English is very poor, but I like your forum

is it a rat rod ????

welcome and lucky for you we speak bad and broken english very well. :mrgreen: nice bike
Nice bike MON AMI ! (That's all the French I know)
Definitely a Rat Rod alright....welcome aboard!

How did you find the forum?

P.S. We have many French speaking members who can translate. :wink:
Welcome! Great Bike. We have translation programs we can use too. Rat Rods... the international hobby.
Welcome. Post all the Bad English you like, we won't be offended. 4real. :D
enfant de jean bart said:
bonjour xddorox je vois que je suis démasqué :mrgreen:
"Hello xddorox, I see that I've been unmasked"

Bin, c'était pas trop difficile. Tu n'es pas seul de la francophonie sur le forum. On va peut être avoir une section francophone si ça continue. Faut pas se gêner pour poser des questions. A+

Gérald :D
Hello copain Français..!!

Moi je suis de la Drôme, y a un moment que je n'avais pas posté ( pas trop le temps ) mais c'est cool
de trouver des frenchy sur ce forum trés sympa...

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