I painted Monster Ray with those in MBBO2. Here's my lessons learned:
- Painting with rattle cans sucks. No matter how good the paint, a rattle can won't atomize the paint well and it will always have texture.
- The colors are "correct", but I could have matched them at an auto body paint store, or gotten damn close.
- Candy is hard to do well. Pearl looks really really good and gives a lot of depth.
- I rent a paint booth to shoot my frames. See if there is an option in your area for that.
- If you want to hire out the work, buy the paint and the clear from an auto paint store. Then prime the frame yourself. An auto body place may not kill you too bad on shooting the frame with your paint, but you'll have to shop around to find someone who isn't inconvenienced, and just wants to make a little money. (one guy wanted $250 when I was shopping. I almost laughed. I rent my booth for $50 and shoot it myself.)
- If you have to go rattle can, spray outside, not in your garage homemade spray booth that you built that keeps all the paint trapped in there and then it just falls on the frame and makes it rough. (That's experience. Click My Renegade or Monster builds to see what that looked like)