AussieJester said:
Not wanting to offend owners or prospective owners here, but i just don't get the whole Burrito thing (or tall bikes for that matter...but thats a whole different story) They look uncomfortable too ride and highly impractical, anythng taller than an ant and your in ...whats the appeal? What am i missing?
EDIT: OH..aha and why are they even called 'Burritos' i don't get that either? I believe this is some sort of food you Americans eat? how is this relevant too a bicycle?
you really have to ride one to understand.
lets me start by saying, a well built burrito isn't uncomfortably, i ride all around the city on mine.
this bike in particular is a very easy,fast ride. i've put 50km trips in on that bike. the stance is much like that of a recumbant bike.
burrito's ALWAYS turn heads. if your out on one, your making new friends, end of story!
i was flagged down buy 3 guys on harleys (and nice ones at that-panhead,fat boy and wacked custom)
just to let me know they dug my ride.
been stopped by old people and young alike.
if the burrito goes out, i get stopped and asked about it.
the only real time your in for trouble is with speed bumps. they'll navigate most curbs,manholes and the majority of any major city or small town with ease.
ya learn not to peddle while turning, but even if your peddles hit the ground, the bikes are so low you hardly notice.
i can peddle my heart out, lean the bike to one side, and grind the peddle into the ground, using it as a brake with 0 risk of falling over. the bike just tries to right itself.
over 700km logged in on this bike, and trouble isn't something i've come across.
long and short, you'll never know what your missing until you ride one.
heres a couple pic's of the guys and girls my girlfriend works with. they all sell insurance and lets just say, there not the funest bunch of peeps to hang out with. (not that i dislike any of them) thier straight laced, don't take too many risks kinda people.
this was the first time any of them where out on my bikes.
look at there faces, those smiles don't lie.