I had a dream

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Aug 3, 2010
Reaction score
Body: Kokomo, In... Mind: in the gutter. Soul: in
Rating - 100%
2   0   0
I have been bugged by this dream I had earlier in the week and it seems to keep re-occurring. In this dream I am riding my bike and going through an alley (which I recognize and rarely go down) I stumble across the mother load of bicycles, old ones, new ones, cruisers, BMX, road bikes, parts galore, and just as I get the last thing balanced on my bike trailer I wake up.

Anyone else have weird dreams like this or do I just need to lay off bikes for a while?

Ps...yes I rode down that alley just to be sure. :oops:
I've had a similar, but not reoccurring, dream. I had stopped in to see about a bike that was in a flower bed. The owner said it was his childhood bike and wouldn't sell it but he had a few in the barn he was willing to sell. So we walked to the barn while a certain banjo tune was playing in the background. Got up to the loft and there was a row of about 20 dusty, dirty bikes that's we're in near mint condition! Monarks, Elgins, Schwinns, you name it! He said he had started to collect "nice ones" and had since lost interest. As I was wiping the drool hanging from my mouth that was just about at the floor by now, he told me I could have them all! Then my alarm went off. I knew it was too good to be true....... :cry:
CRASH said:
Sounds like your streak is setting high expectations in your dreams. :wink:
It never hurts to dream, I'm not picky though I'll pick up ANY free bike. And most cheap ones too. Even some expensive ones that are priced cheap. :mrgreen:

Is the streak getting to me? Maybe. Will I continue to buy more bikes and pick trash piles? By all means yes!
Does the Kokomo paper do free want ads? Have you tried that? I posted up a flyer in the little grocery store in town and got about a half dozen old/older bikes and two contacts from it for the 30 days it was up. I've also thought about using one of those political yard signs and make it say "VINTAGE BIKES WANTED".
Chips_Mahoy said:
You might want to start checking with the scrap yards for another shed. I wouldn't be surprised if that had a couple brought to them.
Good idea but most times if the scrapyard gets anything very big they crush it to save space. I did see an old airplane fuselage that would make an AWESOME shed but 1. I can't afford like 200+ lbs of aluminum, 2. my neighbors would call it trash and complain, and 3. I have no idea how I'd get it home. I did see a shed that is about the same size as my existing one but it is wood which is what I want so I can hang bikes from the rafters and make more space. It is not being used and sits in a guy's front yard. Next time I get some money I'm gonna check about it.