for the record, I wasn't trying to rip on the dude, I was just saying, he'll probably end up looking for info and undoubtedly will stumble across this site. Just hoping no one puts their foot in their mouth 
theVULTURE said:well, he hucked the karma boomerang..........
just wait till it comes back :wink:
rgallen said:Talk about dumb. I was at an automotive swap meet at Hershey Pa. I ran into a vendor that had a new rear chrome bumper for my 67 Ford truck. I hollered over and asked, (how much for the bumper)? He says $175.00. It was really more than I wanted to spend although It was well worth it, so I said thanks and started to walk off. He hollered over and said I'll flip you to see whether you pay me $100.00 for it or $75.00. Since this was a no brainer, I fliped him, and got it for $75.00. Then he reached up under his camper and pulled out a set of bumper brackets and gave me them for free. These alone sell for $135.00. I smiled big as I walked away and for the rest of the day.