I *used* to give bikes away to kids...

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I build stuff.
Jul 1, 2010
Reaction score
Roanoke Rapids, NC
Rating - 100%
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As people started giving me lots of bikes a friend and I started fixing up kids bikes and giving them away to kids. I also would give away any parts needed to fix bikes and I would let kids come to the house and I would quickly fix their bikes for them. We put the word out and have been able to fill quite a few requests for completely free bikes and have put many broken bikes back on the road.

This weekend the pile of bikes at my house had gotten quite high and my wife wanted them out of the way for a cookout, so I loaded them up to take to a church property where I keep my overflow (now at around 60 bikes). During the process my son was riding his bike and our friend's 2 kids had grabbed bikes in the yard to ride. My daughter came out to get her bike and couldn't find it. I quickly looked where I knew she had last put it, then looked to make sure my friend hadn't thrown it on the trailer with the others and realized it had been stolen. One more look over the yard and it was confirmed in my mind. She went inside and cried for quite a long time.

Her bike was nothing special, it was one given to us that had been picked up at a yard sale for $4. She liked it because it had a little pouch on the handlebars and a kickstand, the real heartbreaker was that she specifically wanted a rotary bell for her birthday and we bought one this summer and it was on the bike. I liked the bike because it was an older bike that had hung in a garage for years, had an actual keyed crainring and white comp 3 looking Kenda tires on it, but it was still just a China made girls bike.

I've had stuff stolen from me before and it's the feeling of being violated more than the loss of stuff that is so bad, and I didn't want her to have to know that feeling at just 8 years old.

I've really been soured through all of this, especially when I found the handlebar pouch and bar pad thrown in the gutter down the street. The bike has probably already been spray painted or stripped of parts.

I am now going to donate all my ready to go and fixer upper kids bikes to a local charity called Angel's Closet. The fire department has joined with them this year and they are fixing up bikes for kids. I can also send kids and parents to them for bikes so I can concentrate on taking care of my kids stuff and keeping my property secure.

I will still keep fixing kids bikes for them if they bring them to me and giving them parts to help them, but I will stay alot more low key.

I will continue building wacky bikes that will make kids smile and get them insterested in biking, but taking myself out of the giving them away and keeping "inventory" wil help decrease my bitterness.
I've started a project like this now (although its moving really slow). I thought about this exact thing happening and have decided to not give anything away at my house, nor let anyone know that the bikes (tools, extra parts, welder, and anything else of value) are in the back yard and garage. I'm sorry for your daughter loss of the bike. I had loaned one to someone and had it stolen very recently, of course they had it in the front yard and not locked up. Guess the fact is there is dishonest people who don't care and will take things without though. I hope you can find a bike for her that she will love just as much as the one that was taken.
I normally keep three piles going I keep the bikes I don't care about outside in the "giveaway pile" This normally consists of kids bikes under 20" few girl's bikes, and other UN-sell-able junk.

Personal bikes go in the right side of the shed kinda in the back corner.

Walmart bikes, sell-able bikes, and the "I'll give it to you if you work it off :wink: " bikes go to the left and block in the others. I never just "give away" nice bikes I'll tell them if they fix one of the other bikes so I can sell it I'll give them the one they want. Or they can trade me other bike junk for it. :mrgreen:

I have a lot of fun teaching people how to work on bikes. Although I am always right there by my toolbox to make sure nothing disappears and I only have one or two people there at a time.

Even if I left the shed doors open you'd have to move 20 bikes out of the way to get at the good stuff. :mrgreen: Although I never leave the shed unlocked.
I hope you can find a bike for her that she will love just as much as the one that was taken.

I took care of thas this morning. I still have her old bike, but it's an 18" and she had already moved up to the 20", plus I had 2 more almost ready to ride girls bikes that I was going to show her today, a pink Razor freestyle type bike (boys frame but says "girl" something on it) and an older girls Magna, white with pink/purlple spatter paint on it. I told her I would show her the bikes after school, the Razor has a freewheel and hand brakes, she likes a coaster, and the other just looks dingy, but I was going to fix one up for her, but...

I had to go to Walmart this morning for diapers and I saw that they have started accumlating their Christmas bikes out in the garden center. Not thinking of buying a bike for her I just went to see what was new. Lots of girls bikes that with boys frames and looking like trick/bmx bikes and she's just really girly. Then one caught my eye that I hadn't seen before, it's a Kent, 20" with whitewalls, steel fenders, steel chainguard, keyed chainring, spring saddle, comfy mushroom grips, tassles, and a pouch on the handlebars. Of course it's pink, which is perfect so I looked at the price... $49!!!! Sold. I bought her another rotary bell for it too.

I took it home and put on the tassles, sprayed a layer of clear coat on the bell (they rust so fast) and set it up in the living room. I'll tell her after seeing the first 2 bikes that I have one more to show her at home, this will be a home run.
Here's her new bike:

This is the one that was stolen:
outskirtscustoms said:
Awesome! Hope she likes it. If not I'm sure the guys here will chip in some parts to build a better one. I think I have a set of 20" tires around here somewhere.

I have enough bikes and parts to build her at least 5 more bikes, but she's just so girly and doesn't care much for my "made" bikes that I'm happy getting her that bike. If she decides she liked ratted bikes later, this new bike is a perfect candidate.
Obviously some "flower power" hippie hipster snagged it man......harsh. Probably gonna make a 'kiddie fixie' out of it! :mrgreen:

Sorry she had to go through the drama, but the new bike looks better anyway, it has a more 'modern cruiser' look to it.

Good luck tracking it down.

D. T
Dr. Tankenstein said:
Good luck tracking it down.

I drove the alleys and roads in the questionable parts of town for a couple hours. I'd like to get the tires back, but it's probably better if I never see it again, I gotta let this wound heal.
School's out, I "tricked" her by showing her the fixer upper bikes, then I told her there was one more to consider and took her home, she loves it! Hopefully this came swift enough for the theft not to damage her innocence.
Took my bikes to the Angel's Closet this morning, it ended up being 30 bikes, I did keep the 24" and 26" (cheap) mountain bikes and a couple kids bikes for parts. The "adult" sized bikes will be parts for tall bikes and other creations. This is the load they got:




(load shifted a little :eek: )

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