Way to stick with it through hard times . The bike came out really nice . Love the color , the bread loaf seat , the details & of course the 8-Track . Every year they just keep getting better . Cool photos also [emoji471]
Pops would be proud of your build and of you brother!!!
You really pulled off a sick hot rod cafe racer vibe, but I think your Soul Sauce 8 Track blue tooth is one of the sneakiest and coolest Jake-ifications yet!!! That is beyond "Build James B**" stuff!! You are now Build James Bond B**"
Another Build Off under our belts my friend!!!! I really need to make a Philly trip my brother!! PEACE and CONGRATS and LOVE for your family through the hard days!
Jake, excellent job. I love the 8 track. I think the tank over the straight top tube is slick. Nice way to take a diamond frame back a few years. I would like to try that...WYB.