Columbia build, probably sold under another name since the serial numbers don't match Columbia branded bikes. They used the wishbone stays design and the dropouts look like typical Columbia joinery. Columbia made some of the US Army bikes during WW2 intended for use at bases and delivering messages. No relation to Columbia winter wear.
Columbia was started by Col Albert Pope (not Alexander Pope) the one time richest man in the world, just before gas powered cars made Rockefeller rich and steel made Carnegie rich. Columbia was once the largest bike manufacturer in the world. Went bankrupt making both gas & electric cars in the 1900 decade trying to hedge his bets on which would take over. The company changed owners and names (to Westfield mfg and back to Columbia) along the long history. The company is still in business but is making furniture now. Some bikes were sold as Westfield as the company was based in Westfield Mass. Pope was an early proponent of paving roads for bikes, before cars were sold. He went into the Civil War as a second lieutenant, mustered out as a captain, though he received the honorary title of Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel for distinguished service. He took the Colonel name to fit his ego.
Here is a closeup of a Columbia from the www. Same drill hole in the dropout, same flattened stays with the dropout stuck inside, spot weld marks, same overall shape. Yours looks a bit bent out of shape. The axle slot sides should be parallel to each other.
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