Im getting board wth my whizzer..

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May 20, 2008
Reaction score
Sherman Oaks Ca
Rating - 0%
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here she is when i first got her..



then it went to this:


better but very dangerous, a friend crashed it, and i realized that the repop monark forks are better for normal pedal bikes. reading what a lot of you had to say about these forks, i also thought it would be better to fall off a pedal bike than it would be to eat pavement doing 50

so i found a more heavy duty fork, and here is where i am now.




its a mercury fork (read murray built 50s deluxatude) i also saw this fork on the amazing western flyer x-53

heres the thing about this whizzer, its great, but the frame is complete garbage. im still trying to find a late 30s cleveland welding frame to chop up for this motor and other accessories.

im working on a deal to get another whizzer that i plan to leave stock

as it sits, it rides ok, but its a little scary because the coaster brake on that worksman wheel locks up and throws the pedals forward too easily. so, keeping true to the board track feel, its got no brakes.

watch it run!
I want one also!! There are too many hills in Colorado! That would make it a lot easier!!!!!!
the new whizzers have 3 types of auto clutches, from my understanding, its flatland 50mm, intermediate 70 and flatland speed demon 90mm, mine is a manual clutch 90 mm.

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