This past Saturday night The Gulf Kruisers held a night time kruise around the Channelside area of Tampa. I bought a chrome Classic Bullet style headlight for my stretch. From what others told me and what I read I knew the incandescent bulb would not burn bright or last long on 2 AA batteries, but the light looked too good not to buy it. The batteries died in an hour so I had to finish the kruise with no headlight. I have a Nirve 3 LED headlight I bought the 1st of March which still works today with the same batteries I installed after it was delivered. So I knew something had to be done.
Being Sunday morning I was bored out of my skull so I decided to do something about it. Time to convert that headlight to LED.
Here is it before the tear down
The guts
The 14 LED flashlight that gave it's life to make mine better
Quite bright
The circuit board and contact point
Remove the locking ring inside the head and this falls right out
Hole saw I used to make the hole in the headlight reflector
I placed masking tape on the outer edge of the hole to set the cluster of LED's on. This way the base of the LED's are level with the hole. Then I proceeded to hot glue around the circuit board on the backside and inside of the reflector.
I reinstalled the reflector and lens and added more wire so there would be enough slack to remove the battery holder when it came time to change batteries. As shown in the picture I used the factory contacts and switches which seemed easier than rewiring everything.
Installed and ready to shine
Much brighter
This is 10 feet from the garage door
This is 15 feet from the door. Wide beam and lit up the surrounding area.
Being Sunday morning I was bored out of my skull so I decided to do something about it. Time to convert that headlight to LED.
Here is it before the tear down

The guts

The 14 LED flashlight that gave it's life to make mine better

Quite bright

The circuit board and contact point

Remove the locking ring inside the head and this falls right out

Hole saw I used to make the hole in the headlight reflector

I placed masking tape on the outer edge of the hole to set the cluster of LED's on. This way the base of the LED's are level with the hole. Then I proceeded to hot glue around the circuit board on the backside and inside of the reflector.

I reinstalled the reflector and lens and added more wire so there would be enough slack to remove the battery holder when it came time to change batteries. As shown in the picture I used the factory contacts and switches which seemed easier than rewiring everything.

Installed and ready to shine

Much brighter

This is 10 feet from the garage door

This is 15 feet from the door. Wide beam and lit up the surrounding area.