Indoor riding facilities.

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Nov 10, 2007
Reaction score
Manhattan Illinois
Rating - 0%
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Just curious if anyone knows of an indoor riding facility. If you do can you tell me what all is available?

A friend of mine is talking about opening up a bike shop but knows that he would have to do more then just the shop to keep it successful and make a profit. What we brainstormed was to maybe buy a large pole building with the shop up front with new, used bikes, and accessories and a large indoor bike riding area. (Think roller rink) I for one would frequent such an establishment, but what are your thoughts on such a thing?
bomble37 said:
Rays is a blast if you like MTB stuff and bmx :)
Yeah I looked at their site but Ohio is a bit far with my truck down. We have a pretty decent skate park here in Kokomo with a 90 degree full pipe! But it's an outdoor coarse so it's hard to ride in the winter. We do have an indoor skate park but it's crowded with "riders of more skill" so if you're a beginner or just not as young as you used to be, you might get run over. :lol:
I never knew there was anything like this in Cleveland. I'm about 30 minutes away. I wonder if I'd have fun if I go solo. This place sounds like a blast.
I will say Ray is on his game. Thats the way to make money because there are entire 5 person families out there riding together. And even if mom isnt riding theres a fireplace and internet and places to hang out. Last time i went there i rode for 9 hours straight.
never thought of something like that. what comes to mind would probaly cost too much, but there is a local flea market i go to (7th street fleamarket for anyone local and knows what i'm talking about) that i think was an old tobacco warehouse. it's in connected sections and stretches at least a 1/4-1/2 mile or so, with each section being maybe half a football field wide (i'm guessing 'cause like i said, i've never though about it's dementions before).

for the flea market they open new sections as the market grows, but i'd say there are 4-6, or maybe a few more than that, sections that are still unused. i have no idea what it would cost to buy even one section, but if you could find something like that i think it could work.