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i have read that before , lots of history there for sure,but 10 grand ? WOW :shock:
love it. $10Gs and he could only afford to take one pic from like a mile away. :roll:
Now, here's my question. Since this is a local pickup only, how many people in Butler, BFE, Missouri would want this bike for $9.95, much less $9,995? :?
If you read his write up on the website it's funny how it is all pretty much self proclaimed.

I'm hoping they did some research to make sure everything is legit.
10 grand for a bike! And you're supposed to take his word on when it was made and what it really is and he supposedly has a few photos from back in the day that anyone with a computer and Photoshop could alter. IF it is true it's definitely a piece of history BUT he needs to have the documentation confirmed and AUTHENTICATED before he asks 10 grand for a bike that looks like something I could throw together in 10 minutes in my shed.....Just my opinion. :roll:
Doesn't the oxymoronic auction title of Vintage Modern Schwinn Mountain Bike, say it all?

Kinda looks like an 'Instant Classic' to me. :roll:
One more thing, according to his pioneer nomination page, it's had a 'heavy patina of rust ' sine the Vietnam War! REALLY??!?!, dude, you haven't had a chance to run some steel wool over this prized posession in the last 40 years??

Best of luck to him.....
Dr. Tankenstein said:
Doesn't the oxymoronic auction title of Vintage Modern Schwinn Mountain Bike, say it all?

Kinda looks like an 'Instant Classic' to me. :roll:
One more thing, according to his pioneer nomination page, it's had a 'heavy patina of rust ' sine the Vietnam War! REALLY??!?!, dude, you haven't had a chance to run some steel wool over this prized posession in the last 40 years??

Best of luck to him.....

Evidently the rust adds to the value........ :roll: ROTFLOL What a tool.......
I don't have a problem with people like "Klunkers", or this guy ,if he's legit, who propelled the market to produce the amazing all purpose bikes we have today, turning a buck off it. Nonetheless, any claim at being "the first" MTB, BMX, or whatever, is spurious at best. Literally millions have adapted their bicycles for local conditions for nearly a century. ballooners with gears were around in the 60's. Heck, diving the hill and up by the ditch 8) was basic 7 yr old behaviour since the day massed produced kids bikes were born. :)
outskirtscustoms said:
Evidently the rust adds to the value........ :roll: ROTFLOL What a tool.......

You guys have it all wrong. Remember what Atomic Paul said? That's not rust, it's love! :lol:

Yeah but it doesn't make it worth 10 grand........If I had 10 grand to spend I have seen A LOT of bikes here on the site I'd buy first. Widowmaker, the engine 9 bike, few of the low and long bikes here, the salt shaker, Driftwood cruiser, The Air Ride bike, Even a few of the aspiring project bikes are more tempting to buy than that guy's self proclaimed "first mountain bike"
if i had 10 grand for bikes i wonder how much id have for vws? :mrgreen: probally about this much