those bikes are killer !!! i remember someone started with a frame like that for a build off and it was awesome, useful and functional, very cool.
fast eddie outty
OK none believers, the proof is in the pictures. They are never to far gone to bring back.
I had to use an exersize bike for parts to get it riding. To my surprise every bolt came loose, with a little force, accept the neck so it will continue to soak in liquid wrench.
I would love to post a riding pic but I am home alone.
thats not the same bike...that cant be
Its like...You bought a Delorean, Fell and hit your head on a toilet and came up with the flux capacitor, Created a time machine and went to the past and got this from some helpless Delivery boy.
Can i drive next time? I wanna swing by The old schwinn factory and get me up some nice krates...I wonder if you can put a trailer hitch on it...and take that through
uhhhhhhhh.........thats a great use for one(i think my boys alittle to big for that trick now otherwise id be looking for a cycletruck)! :mrgreen: