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Pro Member
Nov 4, 2023
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Seattle, WA
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First, I would like to thank you for so graciously accepting me into your fold!

Now then, Along time ago... (Harrumph)... Wait, wait... That's a different story. Where was I?...
Oh yeah! Not long ago I took a notion that I NEEDED another bike.
Now we get to the good part. Pull back the curtain and peer into the swirling murk..... Is it a Klunker, Cruiser, is it maybe a reject of a more stable mind?
Wait... Is that dirt, or rust? Is it shapeshifting???? (Distant maniacal cackling!)
Now, as the lights fade from every room, the curtain slithers back in place... Some may shamble away with an uncomfortable sensation in the back of their mind. Others may instead find child like curiosity. Yet still, a special few will stride forth with the comfort and confidence that in the future analog WILL win.
Witness the beginnings of my RatKlunk.
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Worksman INB’s are good looking bullet proof bicycles.

If you leave it as is or build a BMX cruiser/klunker out of it I think you’ll be happy the way it turns out.
Brooks B66, check
Beartraps, check
Short knobbies, check - I'm fond of the Rene Herse 26″ x 2.3″ Humptulips Ridge TC Tire
BMX bar, I still don't yet... Maybe Apes
What I do know is that it's getting stripped and a full rust. I even just learned that I might be able to pull off a radioactive green rust. (I have some research to do...)
That's it, until I get the next great idea.
Brooks B66, check
Beartraps, check
Short knobbies, check - I'm fond of the Rene Herse 26″ x 2.3″ Humptulips Ridge TC Tire
BMX bar, I still don't yet... Maybe Apes
What I do know is that it's getting stripped and a full rust. I even just learned that I might be able to pull off a radioactive green rust. (I have some research to do...)
That's it, until I get the next great idea.
Might I suggest you hold off and enter it in the Off Road Build Off competition starting in January?
Brooks B66, check
Beartraps, check
Short knobbies, check - I'm fond of the Rene Herse 26″ x 2.3″ Humptulips Ridge TC Tire
BMX bar, I still don't yet... Maybe Apes
What I do know is that it's getting stripped and a full rust. I even just learned that I might be able to pull off a radioactive green rust. (I have some research to do...)
That's it, until I get the next great idea.
In case you’re interested the cranks are Redline Flights with a Porkchop chainring.
In case you’re interested the cranks are Redline Flights with a Porkchop chainring.
Well now..., that I did not know. And here I thought it was all stock, or so was told. Which come to think of it, isn't really surprising. I pulled the fork to look at the steerer and found the headset bone dry.
The next day or so will see the hubs and BB repacked.
Seriously, I appreciate all of the help and insight everyone is offering!!!
It has been a busy few days.
First of all, there are options with the green rust. However none that are actually stable. I dove in well above my head! I don't have a PhD in chemistry, so I'm going to go with basic iron oxidation.
Second, I am sorry Captain awesome. There is no way I can wait for the build off in January. Not to mention that I also spent quite a bit of time looking at ORBRs of the past. (Awe, and intimidation) And excitedly waiting to follow this next one.
Which brings us to number three... Today the beartraps showed up. And yesterday I was at a LBS (Recycled Cycles), and after talking to the guys about what I was doing they helped me find a set of SR MTS100 and bar attached. $50, and I said if they are even close to 21.whatever, I'm take them!
And so...
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Brooks B66, check
Beartraps, check
Short knobbies, check - I'm fond of the Rene Herse 26″ x 2.3″ Humptulips Ridge TC Tire
BMX bar, I still don't yet... Maybe Apes
What I do know is that it's getting stripped and a full rust. I even just learned that I might be able to pull off a radioactive green rust. (I have some research to do...)
That's it, until I get the next great idea.
Very cool build plan.
Might I suggest you hold off and enter it in the Off Road Build Off competition starting in January?
Great idea!
There is no way I can wait for the build off in January.
I feel you there. You'll just have to get another frame to build up for the next build off! :grin: