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Feb 8, 2007
Reaction score
Madison Heights Michigan
Rating - 0%
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17 Years ago, On a cold snowy afternoon, A legend was born!!! ME!! =] IM 17 CANT WAIT TILL LATER PARTY TIME!!!!
And i would also like to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY TWIN BROTHER Randy, who passed away. Love Ya Bro!!!
Happy Birthday Ricky!
Have a GREAT birthday Rickky. They broke the mold when you were born ( we hope, JK ) Hope you have fun !!! :D :lol:
THANK YOU GUYS!!!!! Today has sucked so bad.. This made it better. Nobody at school remembered my birthday, My grandma calls me, to sing happy birthday, CALLS ME MY DEAD TWIN Brothers name :cry: I got in a fight with my wood shop teacher, Kicked the door open, busted the door knob and sprung the hinge, i gotta pay for it, Got suspended. My birthday cake was spoiled. I was supposed to hang out with this girl, She stood me up. The only good thing was dinner, NOW I GOT INDIGESTION!

Oh well, next year ill buy a bunch of lottery tickets and Maybe hit it rich. :mrgreen:

Thanks again guys.

Oh and hooch, THANK YOU FOR THE PICTURE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dang Ricky (I wrote Dang it's not corrected) that's a bad run of luck. We love you man no matter what. (In a strictly platonic way that is) :D Hang in there my friend. Just a few more years and you can make your own luck. Stay sane, hold your temper, and just get through bud. Train to be that which makes you happy and excell at it. Girls will happen, don't be in a hurry on that front. My mother and grandmother call me the wrong name all the time. The door deserved it it was an impediment to progress. Happy Birthday Rick and as I said before you get in a bad way you can call me. Anytime. Lost my number just let me know.

sorry I'm late Ricky....sorry to hear about your day that sucks :cry: nun the less that was just one day. I'm sure a guy with your kind of sence of hummour will will have many more great days than the one you just had.... cheer up! and enjoy being 17"

AHHH to be 17 again! :roll:
man............sorry to hear that its not going to well today......could be worse though. my wife woke me up at 1am on my bday last year to tell me someone broke into my car and stole my stereo while she was at work :x
maybe a bad start but itll get better!
(coffee sprayed on the screen again....)

Look out its the potato monster again or could it be that Cloverfeild creature.....not sure RUN! RUN!

lololol that was great! Hooch
HAHAHAHAHA!!! Hooch you're killing me. That one even made my wife laugh.

Happy Birthday Ricky. Just think, this one is over and next years can only be better. plus, you get to vote next year...whoopee :roll: Hang in there little bro, all of us older fellers are looking out for ya.


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