*I've Got My Spine, I've Got My Orange Crush* (Done!)

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Re: I've Got My Orange Crush (Paint and Handlebars-May 25)

I may be jumping the gun sharing this before I know it is successful, but I will chalk it up to a learning experience if it does not go as planned. :)

So I have a plan for a tank...made of wood (because I have no tools for metalwork). It will need to be hollow (can't reveal the reason for that just yet) so I decided to try my hand at bending some poplar.

I started by making a cardboard template.


Then I took the poplar I would be using...


And gave it a boiling water bath.


While the wood was marinating, I cut out my side panel from 3/4in plywood.


Nice fit.


I pre-drilled holes for where the nails would attach the top to the side panel...staggering every couple of inches. Only one side will be attached...the other side is a secret. I had to make two 3/4inch plywood pieces so that i could keep the top straight in the clamps.


Some wood glue, nails and clamps and we are off to the races.





And a final clue as to why the tank must be hollow. {If you figure it out, keep it on the down low until I get a chance to do a big reveal. ;)}

Re: **I've Got My Orange Crush** (Wood Tank Attempt #1-May 26)

As Norm Abram once said "You can never have too many clamps".
Re: **I've Got My Orange Crush** (Wood Tank Attempt #1-May 26)

Thanks for the compliments...it looks as though my tank is gonna work. Here are a few pictures of it before I get to finishing with sanding and filling holes.

From the top...


Side 1


Side 2


Coin Slot?


What could this be for?


Hope to get touching it up tomorrow and paint on it Thursday. Looks like the rain may hold off for at least two days...gotta get my wheels done. I would like to have it rolling by the weekend! If not I'll have to find some bunny pictures to keep me from slipping into page 4 obscurity. Peace.
Re: **I've Got My Orange Crush** (Wood Tank Progress-May 30)

Love the tank work.
Small suggestion. Use some cabinet hinges that mount on the inside of the tank for a cleaner look outside.

Is this going to be like one of those coin cast iron toy banks, were you put in a coin and a monkey rides around on a bike??? :p :wink:
Re: **I've Got My Orange Crush** (Wood Tank Progress-May 30)

dude, yer nuts, but i kinda like it :lol:
Re: **I've Got My Orange Crush** (Wood Tank Progress-May 30)

kingfish254 said:
Love the tank work.
Small suggestion. Use some cabinet hinges that mount on the inside of the tank for a cleaner look outside.

Is this going to be like one of those coin cast iron toy banks, were you put in a coin and a monkey rides around on a bike??? :p :wink:

Thanks kingfish...I am still not happy with the hinges...and will see if cabinet ones might work...I need to keep as much space inside free as possible...I might just sink these hinges in a bit and cover them up with bondo...we will see.

And I will be the only monkey riding this beast. :)

Circa Cycles said:
I've got 15 cents for a cold Orange Crush

SHHHHH...I still have the big reveal. ;)
Re: **I've Got My Orange Crush** (Wood Tank Progress-May 30)

Sad news on the tire front...apparently my rims are some wonky Canadian only size (sort of like the S7 only not) I thought I would be able to fit a standard 26" on there but there is no way I'm gonna stretch it to fit. So for now, I put the originals back on. (I had my heart set on some whitewalls.)

Rims turned out ok at least.


In the good news department I was looking around for an anvil to hammer out my banged up fenders and came across this little beauty...


It is a shoemakers anvil...it has three different sides you can roll it around on. The guy only wanted $20 for it...when I mentioned that I was gonna use it for some old bikes he brought out a box full of bike tools...he said I could have all of them for $40. Sweet score...here are a few of them.


And last night, a fellow member oldy57, gave me a set of forks to replace my bent ones. (Thanks again, Tom.)


So in the big scheme of things...I am up!
Re: **I've Got My Orange Crush** (Tires and Frustration-May 30)

It was nice meeting you Scott. Your build is coming along great. The tire size your rims use are 571 26 x 2" or 26 x 1 3/4" S7 size. Whitewalls are available in some bike shops but not here in Winnipeg. The tires are not as big (fat) as your tires. Too bad the Canadian (CCM) style rim was not your regular balloon rim. The wheels you saw in my shed with the heavy duty spokes are the same size as your rims. Bikes and Beyond bike shop should have those tires in stock. They ordered some a few weeks back, blackwall tires.
Re: **I've Got My Orange Crush** (Tires and Frustration-May 30)

Thanks Tom...I'll keep my eyes open for a set of S7 whitewalls...the original blackwalls are still in decent shape (need to clean them up). I guess I will also keep my eyes peeled for a standard 26" rim set as I have two sets of sweet tires (and a couple of frame to build up...once this one is done.)
Re: **I've Got My Orange Crush** (Tires and Frustration-May 30)

Have you thought about painting whitewalls onto your existing tires?

If there's a ridge or a 'line' , basically something to follow, it's pretty simple.

Here's a set I did for Double Nickle a while back.

My method:

First scrub the tires with a mild dish soap to clean any old dirt, grease, roadkill off.

Then, brush on 2 coats of Kilz 2, it's a latex enamel based primer used to paint a light color over a dark one.
Next, brush on two coats of flat latex enamel paint. I use latex so the paint has some 'stretch' to it when you inflate the tires.

PM me if you'd like some more details.

This may be an alternative until you find 'the tires'

Good luck!
Dr. T
Re: **I've Got My Orange Crush** (Tires and Frustration-May 30)

Dr. Tankenstein said:
Have you thought about painting whitewalls onto your existing tires?

If there's a ridge or a 'line' , basically something to follow, it's pretty simple.

Here's a set I did for Double Nickle a while back.

My method:

First scrub the tires with a mild dish soap to clean any old dirt, grease, roadkill off.

Then, brush on 2 coats of Kilz 2, it's a latex enamel based primer used to paint a light color over a dark one.
Next, brush on two coats of flat latex enamel paint. I use latex so the paint has some 'stretch' to it when you inflate the tires.

PM me if you'd like some more details.

This may be an alternative until you find 'the tires'

Good luck!
Dr. T

Great tip...thanks Dr. T!
Re: *I've Got My Orange Crush* (Rollin Mockup & Fender Opinions)

So the weather has been awesome the last two days which means I have been able to get a couple of things finished up...

Here is a rolling mock-up...still lots of work to do on the tank...and I'm not sure I love the seat position, but would have to cut the seat tube to move it back any.


In my mind I thought I wanted to go for this look with the fenders...



But now I'm not sure...thinking it might look cooler with a couple of bobbed fenders. I may cut these two down. It would also save me having to hammer out the back fender...it is pretty banged up.

What do you guys think?

I think I like the handlebars...kind of unique/original. They feel really great.


Re: **I've Got My Orange Crush** (Wood Tank Progress-May 30)

p00r0ldlu said:

It is a shoemakers anvil...it has three different sides you can roll it around on.

I think this thing is awesome. Once I saw it, I went on ebay and bought one for $25 total. I know it will come in handy soon.
Re: *I've Got My Orange Crush* (Rollin Mockup & Fender Opinions)

I think it looks great, I do like the handle bars and I would bob the fenders! :mrgreen:

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