This one will be 100 next year. By serial, it's a 1927 model 127.Nice, we also have a Singer and it works perfect even after 100+ years.
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This one will be 100 next year. By serial, it's a 1927 model 127.Nice, we also have a Singer and it works perfect even after 100+ years.
I love the wider look as well. Look more like a motorcycle tire to me.Looks awesome! I love the fat rims. They make those tires so wide.
Awesome! Glad to get the OddJob stamp of approval from you, Lee! I Can't wait to get her to a point to go out on a trail and start testing the configuration and gear ratios.Wow! Great frame, ideas, parts, and no surprise: you know how to klunk! Will be following this dirt dream!
View attachment 286350
It just adds to the parts bin. More hubs!Changed the build name again today. The first one, seemed a bit pious to me. The Higgins's sounded a bit like a failed folk music band. Hopefully this one will stick...
Went fishing this morning. Didn't catch anything. Had a good time. There's really not a bad day if you are fiahing... ... definitely way better than a good day at work.
Small update this afternoon. Spokes came. Started to try to lace them in, and it seems.i forgot to count at some point. This 36 hole Miche Pr1mato Pistard is really a 32 hole hub.
View attachment 286483
Thinking back to the Brazen build, I probably knew this but sometimes my mind escapes even me.
First setback of the build, not a biggie. Better things will come out of it.
Added that to the parts bin a couple summers ago. Will be adding one more. I found two to pick from and couldn't decide. Got both for less than $40. One of those also goes in the hub bin.It just adds to the parts bin. More hubs!
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