I used Meguire's Paint Cleaner on painted parts yesterday after removing hardened grease from the frame, fork & inside chainguard. The grease used on this bike originally is crazy to deal with 60 years later. After I was finished with this step Señor Jefe was inspecting the results & commented "I think you can skip the polish with Show Car Glaze & go to a couple coats of Carnuba wax! You can only put so much lipstick on a pig before you reach the point of diminishing return." Since I in total agreement (& out of the Glaze
) I will just get a good coat of Carnuba Wax applied later today.
Tank on left is after paint cleaning. Poor lighting doesn't do justice to the job this stuff did with the paint....
I also buffed the chrome pieces again & they came out nice. Here's a comparison of original crank & chain ring on right. Going to try out the lady's crank & ring for a little better gearing & easier for an adult to ride. Excited to get this on wheels to see if there is enough pedal clearance.

Tank on left is after paint cleaning. Poor lighting doesn't do justice to the job this stuff did with the paint....

I also buffed the chrome pieces again & they came out nice. Here's a comparison of original crank & chain ring on right. Going to try out the lady's crank & ring for a little better gearing & easier for an adult to ride. Excited to get this on wheels to see if there is enough pedal clearance.