Gdcast said:This said, I still think this:
is the most ridiculous "bike" I ever seen.
deorman said:
That portion of excrement would create a negative sensory impact within the gluteal cleft.
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Peatbog said:As far as the father/son conflict goes, I agree that Sr. is a problem, but his kid's seem to me to be ungrateful jerks. Without their dad, they'd be nothing. Especially Mickey. At first I thought he was funny, but he is really just a self-centered jerk. He didn't even have to do ANYTHING when working for his dad except show up for work. He wouldn't even do that. He deserved to be fired. At least Jr. put his time in and did some work and contributed to the success of the shop. Mickey is just a spoiled child who needs to grow up and take responsibility for himself. Jr. is building a company. Mickey is a complete loser still living off nothing but the fame that came from the work his dad and brother did. Without the show, Mickey couldn't sell any of those talentless, crappy paintings he is trying to peddle.
ill say it the p.c. way for ya......outskirtscustoms said:Mikey I think is the biggest joke of all. He wouldn't last 5 minutes at ANY job. And his artwork well lets just say that is open to interpretation and my interpretation can't be shown here.
big AL said:Matt Hoch is better then all three of them and I could go on and on. I will say I like jr's design eye but tone down the bling a little. I still have a crush on his wife. If jesse says" in like, in like" one more time I will like go crazy.