First build after finding this form.
Always wanted a bike that would fit me. I'm 6'3". After riding the 32 inch kent bike around the store. The good thing about being 6'3" is they didn't stop me from riding it around. I was sold on its size. But the look of it wasn't what I wanted. First thing was the seat.
Then The stickers had to go. Had to make white wall for it and sand blast the wheels to take the black paint off. Liked the large handle bars. but I had to hide the black. Put stainless steel braided sleeving on it. Made a seat post to get the seat high enough.
Still didn't have the look I wanted. It needed a rear rack.
The front needed something. Being the only time I get to ride with my wife and kids is at night. I added a headlight. For the hot nights I added a cup/beer holder
Like to replace the pedal with old school ones. Thinking about make a springer front fork.