Keep it or sell it?

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Jun 11, 2012
Reaction score
Visalia, CA
Rating - 100%
63   0   0
This is a very difficult decision for me. I'm leaning on keeping it. It was my first build for myself. I love the concept and love the build. Although the paint didn't come out as well as I would have liked since it was my first time, I've toyed with the idea of repainting it.

But I built a 26" Huffy that is just fantastic. And I have another 26" custom I have in the planning stage for later this year. That would be 3 big muscle bikes for me. What's really pushing this decision is I want a "new" road bike so I can start riding and training again. I'm fat and old, and I think having a racer again would motivate me to thin down. But I need funds to get a decent one.

So... keep my first build... or let it go so someone can enjoy it and I can get a better racer? (if the latter, what would you think a good asking price would be?)


I would keep the Monster Ray. Hard to put a price on it. There should be some cross over interest from people who only like 26 inch bikes. I am sure you have lots of money in it. I bet it rides good.
Rides great, and yes, I have a ton of money in it. Probably $1500 I'm guessing, which is insane. Which is why I'm considering getting it repainted by that Schwinn paint guy who does perfect Campus Green restorations.
Keep it, you already know you will miss it from the sounds of things and you like it.....if ya want something else just wait awhile or sell something else. That thing is cool as a cucumber and similarly colored :D
It looks good as is! Just leave the paint and enjoy it, it is way cool.

If you are talking about Dave Erikson painting it, he does a KILLER job, but he is expensive. Well well worth the price though.
That's a great looking build, but there is something that you want to get, and sometimes you have to give up something to get what you want. Realistically this is probably the best forum for you to find a buyer as everyone knows how beautiful your builds are and who doesn't want a 26" musclebike? As for a reasonable price, I would suggest asking what you want for it, and then work from there. What you believe the bike is worth may in fact line up with what someone is willing to pay, and if it doesn't, then open yourself up to offers.
This is a real love of the game/hot rod situation. Will you be able to get out of it what you put in it?
You do great work and I know I'm not the only one here who'd love to have one of your bikes, but that doesn't help with value.
Maybe you could trade it toward a road bike?

I can't say I'd go with a custom painter either, that's just more in to try to get back out.
Keep it, because if you sell it you'll regret it.
Yup. Car guys always want their first car, collectors of anything always tell stories of "wish i had my first....." Buy a cheap road bike and enjoy the green probably would get more exercise on a old bike anyhow, I know my mountain bike wears me out faster than my fixie. :D

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