Rat Rod Bikes Bicycle Forum

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I love a million different bicycles and while that is extremely rare being NOS and will bring crazy money ........ I hate those ugly bikes lol
gotta be the ugliest schwinn ever produced lol
Not to mention that you end up looking like this cat when you ride one. :lol: :lol: :lol:

lol hooch, the guys huge. teeny little legs.
CCR said:
BadWolf said:
My only question is: how does one avoid skinning one's knees?

plaid kneepads :mrgreen:

Oooooo, ouch. :D

I had to look twice at the price someone paid for that little... thing. $4,500??!?!?!?!1 I spent a third or less than that on my 70+ bicycles!
We'll see how many days it takes for the buyer to realize what he just gave $4500 for.

An old clown bike in an beat up cardboard box. :lol: :lol:

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