Kotton Kandy Kroozer

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Oct 9, 2014
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Bangor, ME
I remember, as a kid, pouring through my dads magazines from the 50s. One was called "Car Toons". full of hot rod comics. One panel depicted a beefed up dragster with the words "color me invisible" graffiti'd on the side. Then you see some homer with a paint bucket, labeled "invisible", painting the car out of existence.

So, ive got no theme, noticeable gaps in my parts pile, and Im late to the game, but ive got tools, ideas, and it has been raining rat bait all spring. So here I am! (my first bo & its boten! Exciting! Exclamation point! )

The storm started when I had a wonderfully chrome & ratty spaceliner fall in my lap a few weeks ago -traded for a couple run of the mill treks. I ride it daily, and Ive fallen in love with the coaster brake. (Ive also gathered two skip tooth schwinn frames since my last rash of posts)

This is not my bo bike

This is my bo bike.

I dont know if Ill actually use any of the bits in this picture, but i love the triple tree springer. I got a roached out raleigh moped for the drum, but i ended up getting the whole front end from it. I like the 23x2.00 moped wheel, but i need rubber if im gonna roll it, and ill have to rebuild the brake. It is rock solid. The rear wheel is a yellow band bendix, which fell in my lap as well. The seat is a no-go. I picked an Electrolux vac, from 1937, which has some deliciously deco parts i hope to use.

my goal is to assemble a true rat from a little bit of everything. I love themes, so hopefully i can get some cool details into it, but ill be happy if i can just ride it around the block. This will have to cost me $40 or less, but im well stocked, ive got abrasives and paint, and i have a history of trading bikes for... everything, so dont feel too bad for me [emoji6]

Please let me know if im out of compliance with the boX rules.
Ready to not like what you see?

I got one hour to work on bikes last week. Foolishly ugly.
Thursday, after getting up at 530 and doing daddy duty all day, getting the kids to bed by 8, chores and wife to bed at 11, I started stumbling around my work space, and accidentally did this. I will be undoing this shortly. Perhaps a schuffy is in order.


Note the deco bits off the electrolux.

The light I work by. Discarded fixture + vacuum cleaner cord.

Close up of parts follow. Im pretty into this wheelset. Anyone have a cool 23x2.00 tire? How about a schwinn s-5 while we're at it?



I read a post not too long ago warning people agsinst sticking your finger in metal holes.


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The "elevated rear stays" sterling frame will be painted invisible V. Soon. Im headed out now collecting some parts I own, and hopefully, find some new stuff. Ive got a couple / three frames im planning on pluging in, and a custom one brewin in ma brain. Stay tuned!
Well, my afternoon childcare canceled, I def. didn't get a bo frame, but it was a productive morning anyways. I went to my friend's house, the VZ vault, to pick up some of my stuff and look around. I also brought with me a severely dinged wheel off my #1 rider, for him to true.

I picked up these frames to sell to the fixie crowd, and to rob a gold fork for my super wicked awesome sleeper 1976 AMF Roadmaster Elite (made by Bridgestone!) It has a mix of aluminum and steel tubing. Wicked cool bike that you'd never look twice at.

So shop time was over, and I brought my friend to the lbs where he works, and got my wheel done (hes a magician), AND some shop take offs. Nobody there wants cruiser stuff or broken parts, so in I swoops suckas.


I spied some rat bait at the Vault, but my car was full. I plan on trying a couple things with what I have here on my bo bike this afternoon.

I really appricate the crowd participation. It keeps me very motivated!

And the vac. When i spied this rockateer mask in the trash, i hoped i knew what i was looking at, and I was right.



Holy Hidey Hole Batman!

I dont know how to open this shell up, but i sure would like to.

Horsefarmer, I'm constantly looking at things and retrofitting them with lights or powered speakers in my mind, however, I dont know how to do that. At all. Yet. So, maybe.

This afternoon was a great day and opportunity to noodle around with bikes at home.

So first thing, back to the basics


I Took the chro-mo Sterling Super Discovery, made by Univega, out of the picture, pondered the point of the design

Took some more lbs cast-off tires, some metal yard find wheels, and a long-ago traded in fork and did this. Big improvement. I dont have a fs mtb, and i never touch suspension, so it was fun. Almost a rider.

And I took the wheel my friend magic'd and stuck it on ole #1.

Needs cable tuneup. Tomorow I'll be back to towing my baby around on her trail a bike!

Back to the bo

Some may remember the schwuffys i had made. This is a good step in the right direction

With a 26 mtb wheel up front


I shall not be using it. I'm pretty set on a drum up front and coaster in the rear, so all those cable guides would have to go. I like to use things to their full potential, and I think this frame is better suited to a moto - inspired muliti speed klunker style build.

So its about time to go round up the troops. Wife likes one bike in the yard. No mess, no trash (my raleigh moped would have given her thr vapors). And my spot looks like this

While cleaning, I found this! This is one of a small handful of items that came from ..?.. I remeber getting it last...?... It only cost me..$?..



So at the end of the day, Im up a couple cool mtbs, a few bo bits, and my spot looks like this.


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