Lady Jivaro

Rat Rod Bikes Bicycle Forum

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Way cool. You defiantly have the right tools. Its setup really nice too. I'm sure
you will do some really cool frames. Its not that hard. Bend a few pieces of tubing
and weld them together. Your only limited by your imagination. If you keep a few
simple measurments in mind they will be ridable too. I use 22'' from the seat post
clamp to the back side of the BB. 10'' from the front side of the bb to the back of
the front tire, and 12'' from the bottom of the bb to the ground...oh and watch your
chainline before you weld the bb on.
You may already have it mapped out , this is just the way I do it. :lol:

Oh and if your ever really bored ...look at this German site. Its 200 pages , but in all
that they design some of the best bikes I have ever seen.
Got the main frame bent and fit together. Need to tack it together and then on to making the rear stays. That will have to wait for another day. Done for tonight.
I did have to take 6 inches of stretch out of the frame from the original design. My wife is only 5' 1". After I started measuring I found it would have been a little to long for her. I think it will still look alright. Later down the road I plan on making the full size version for my daughter who is 5' 9". It should work out great for her. :)

Uncle Stretch said:
We are waiting on results not excuses. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Just retire like me it gives you way more time to work on stuff.
Yeah yeah yeah..... so jealous. :lol: :lol: :lol: I would love to just mess with bicycles all day long every day but I can't. Got another 10 or 15 years to go. :( Hopefully I can in 10. Will see.

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