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cman said:
My "Uncle Stretch" favorite. You may create a buying rush on the those long tanks. Great idea with excellent execution.

What fork are you using?
Thanks Clancy . It was just an idea when I saw the tank. It kinda lends itself to looking like a stock frame though. If I had used the 1 1/2'' tubing it might have looked better. Kinda like old and new. Oh well its a little late to start second guessing my decision now though.
I will probably use the red one on there. There is really not alot of old forks that will take that 26x3 .I was going to build something, but my metal fab guy is off deer hunting. Getting carried away on buying parts to stick on something for a photo shoot is kinda getting expensive for nothing.
Dr. Tankenstein said:
Man, that thing is There's no other words, for me anyhow.

You're the best!
Dr. T
Thanks Dr T glad you like it. Its been a fun build. Maybe everybody got to see me do something a little different from my norm.
Gdcast said:
My jaw just fell to the ground, What a beautiful bike!!!
That tank looks just plain amazing.
It looks pretty good huh? I am likeing it so far. Still have a few things to do to finish, but its getting closer.
Ok a picture for this page. :lol:
that bike has such sweet lines! :mrgreen: the tank accents the curved top tubes so perfectly.probably the best fusion of classic/modern frame design you have come up with yet! 8) i dont know who`s getting it,but ive gotta have one just like it someday! :D guess i`ll start looking for a tank! :lol:
I really don't want to part with my tank since it goes to my rollfast , so this one will probably end up scrap. Its just for fun anyway. The final product doesn't really have any meaning. I kinda wanted to see what an old style tank would look like in a custom build. I'm thinking if I did one in the 1 1/2'' tubing it would look better. I have a cheap repop 1941 columbia tank that I may use and it will go with the frame. Think I paid $25 for it so I wouldn't mind loosing it.
Glad you liked this one John. It has been fun so far. Made a couple mistakes , but all in all it looks ok. :roll:
Thanks x ray. I have learned a lot from this one. I probably would use a straighter tank if I did another one. This one dropping down in the back made for some design problems that probably wouldn't have happened with a straighter style tank. Also I forgot one of my own rules and didn't look real close at the chain line. I came real close to it not working. I just got lucky. The chain is about an inch below the chain stay. An inch higher and it would have rubbed on the stay and been unacceptable.