Last Shot....With Paint

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Re: Last Shot

I can still see my shop it out there. Our weather went from crappy to real crappy. Today may be an eat twinkies and watch westerns day. I already slept in.....10:15 that felt good. Its about 40's and raining. Its suppose to warm up and turn nice , but I dont see that happening today. I'm only about an hours worth of work away form spraying it. Now its getting exciting. I cleaned my back rim last night and changed the rear sprocket. Had to flip it over ,because it was too close to the chainstay. I have done the once over on the frame to make sure everyhing I can think about is right .Helps when you put it together ,so there are no surprises. :lol:
Re: Last Shot

Been a spraypainter 20 odd years ago for 2.5 years, and that was key #1: make sure everything is looked over and over again before you start painting 8)

The railing on my Basman seat kept touching and rattling against the seat-T, so I had to take it off and bend it a little upwards. While doing so I dropped a nut inside one of the seatsprings...uh oh...had to turn the bike upsidedown to regain possession of the nut, but man are these Basmans massive to handle on your own :mrgreen: I could do with an electric hoist !

Weather is still crappy around here too. I can't believe ever since I got this bike mid december the roads have been covered in snow, ice, and muck. All I want to do is testdrive it on a longer ride, but no chance yet...
Re: Last Shot

My wife is pretty short ,and since its for her I had the seat all the way down. I saw that the springs in the back were going to rub on the tire. Not a biggie ,but something to watch. maybe I can get by with it up a little. I want the tire as close to the seatpost as I can run it. The only other concern now is that the piece of metal sticking out to hold the kickstand might be in a position where she could hit the side of her foot on it. I should have built it complete and let her ride it. If it does it will have to be cut off the frame and welded farther back. Should have been back some in the first place. Oh well what do I know about bicycle designs. :roll:
Re: Last Shot

Ok the bad weather is killing me. I decided to use the ol heat the frame and the paint outside and spray it real quick. The 40 mile an hour wind and intermittent rain is not helping. Got one good coat of primer on before the weather really turned bad... :shock:

Re: Last Shot

Yeah maddog I guess I could do it as a rat and leave it white primer :lol: Thats an Elgin I built a year or so ago. As with everything else ...its dirty :roll:
Re: Last Shot

Yeah thats just the back 7 that you can see there is two on the floor and 3 hanging to the left in that picture. You ought to try to build a frame with all that stuff in there. It makes it so much fun. :wink:
Re: Last Shot

Hummm that might not be a bad idea. I could put storage upstairs. I might have to think about that. Its built really strong with 1/2'' plywood on the inside instead of sheetrock. Thanks Maddog for the idea.
Re: Last Shot

Well I have three aircompressors and an air nailer too. We could make some quick work of framing gonna work for bike parts??? :lol: Cause all my extra money is going to the dentist. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :oops:
Re: Last Shot

I was thinking about this idea for my own garage a few weeks ago.

Just as a guess....what do you think it would cost to add another level to the top of a garage?....$20,000???
Re: Last Shot

Dont have a clue on a double garage. You would have to get some bids on something like that. Building new would have been cheaper , doing it to an already built house would cost more I'm sure. I'm just wondeing if the hobby is worth it, or would it be cheaper to trash a bunch of old junk and start over. Like every 2 years throw it all away and then clean up and get some more. :lol:
Re: Last Shot

That's probably true.

Or cheaper to just rent a storage unit somewhere, but then you'd just end up never using the stuff once it's away from your house.

It's good to keep things fluid sell buy sell buy sell...otherwise you'll end up on that show "Hoarders"...ha ha.
Re: Last Shot

enough talk about garages :p
you start on a fork for that yet? btw i though of a $20 or so way to build what you pm'd me about :idea:
Re: Last Shot

Dont keep me in suspense....Push the email button and shoot it to me. Its rained everyday, and cold. I dont even venture out of the house. :cry: :cry: :cry:

Moved the frame inside where I can stare at it . Man I'm loving this frame. Not being able to paint is killing me.


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