I own a bike shop here in Michigan City, In. and there is a bike shop across town that I used to work for... The owners race and ride road bikes and treat everyone else that doesn't, like second class citizens. Tey're customers are doctors and lawers and drive suv's and sports cars. Our customers usually ride bikes to the shop. Personaly, I love bikes. Carbon or steel, 20" nanner seats or a well worn brooks. I love to help customers hunt down that front fender brace for that 1926 elgin that was hanging in they're grandfather's barn. I had a customer come in yesterday looking for some "original style" grips that would look good on his 69' Typhoon. You should have seen the look on his face when I pulled out a pair of NOS. He told me that I made his day. That's why I opened up my shop. To adjust that frozen front derailer in the middle of winter so that the crazy guy that's touring across country can make it to his next destination... or to fix a flat on the 10 year old kids bike down the street because his dad is a loser alcoholic and can't spend the money on a tube but can always find a bottle. I'm sure we could make some improvements around here also, we're not perfect. I think you gotta be in in for the right reasons. I dont have any interest in marking up a pair of shimano road shoes at a 300% mark up. I'll leave that up to the guys across town. :wink: