Thank Oddjob, Even the ending of March is pretty soon for me. I have about 2 hours per week that I can work on the bike at the moment.We do have till the end of March before this winter build off ends, IIRC @Captain Awesome ? So hopefully that will give you enough time BRE. I've never seen the brazing process so I'm anxious to view that!

This was my class course a while back.
I was heating up the steel tubes with Gas+Oxygen. And dipping with the brass stick at the right temperature. The liquefied brass follows the heat, that is so fun to watch!
Before brazing you need to 'descale' (is,that the right word in American English?) the steel tubes, then thoroughly clean and degrease, then put flux everywhere. Then its time to burn.
I love the art of brazing (I don't do fillet brazing). But it requires a lot of work: Seamless mitering, clean working and fluxing. Plus, the materials need to have the same temperature when dipping brass!
And with a welding machine you can fill gaps + tack tubes before fully securing. So welding is a bit friendlier lets say.
Paul Brodie has great videos on brazing. He uses gas flux, so no need for the white sticky flux that I use.
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