Led-Sled Sidecar Project

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Every time I cruise by ratrodbikes and see your name under "last post" in the bike builds section I just have to see if you've posted something about this build! :)

Really nice shape for the fender! Looks like it could be a bit like the fenders on an Indian Chief. 8)

Half Link said:
Pulled out the old electric knife and showed that foam board who was the boss! :lol: :lol:

I bet the foam answered by leaving dust all over the place... :mrgreen:
This may be a little redundant but...
Looking great!!!

Boy, the only thing I hate more than cutting foam is sanding, strangely, I run home from work to do it every time I can...
Hey Galtbachen!!! Thanks Buddy!! Dittos my friend on the checking in. I find myself doing the same now on the “built from scratch” forum looking at the “Whippet” and hey, we are both now building fiberglass fenders at the same time!! Cool stuff! :D And yes that silly foam still makes a mess!

cobrafreak, Thanks man!! I’ve been eye balling your build over there and it’s looking great!! 8)

Gdcast! Sanding foam sucks!! But you are right.....I can’t wait to make something out of foam!
I will be sending you a pm when I get back in town for the plans!! :wink:

Later, HL
I see more foam flying around in our future for the three of us! :D
Just started a new build, but after that, I will probably follow the path set by you and Galt, and build a fibber glass frame.
The thing that I like most about it is that I don´t think there is such a bike in my country! :shock:
Half Link said:
and hey, we are both now building fiberglass fenders at the same time!! Cool stuff! :D

And even though none of our builds may look like rats, we're using the same ratty ways of making fiberglass parts! "Is this something that's meant to be used for fiberglassing? Nope. Can it be used for it? Yep!" :D or "I need some high-tech stuff for this thing I'm working on, could you pass me the plastic food wrap please?" :lol:

Gdcast: I would not bet against that! :D
I just found this post this morning. I've been browsing it for the last ten minutes. I love sidecars! A hand built sidecar bicycle! This is over the top! Awesome! Great design and fabrication. Hats off!
Hey Gdcast, Yep the foam and fiberglass is a fly’n!! I still need to pm you on those plans but I need to finish this build before I can even think of telling momma that I want to build another bike. The dog house is really cold this time of year! :lol: :lol:

Professor Galtbachen, yet again you are correct. What is not more ratty than building your own parts no mater what the method! Fiberglass, steel, aluminum or a milk crate! If you can’t find it build it!!

Galtbacken said:
"I need some high-tech stuff for this thing I'm working on, could you pass me the plastic food wrap please?" :lol:

One of the best rat quotes ever!!! Thanks buddy!

Dowie Soetenga and islander102 Thank you very much for your kind words. Glad to see that we have more sidecars lovers!!!

Sorry for the slow going on the fenders. Have been doing a lot of family things lately, and the holidays will probably keep me going at this slow pace but I will strive on!! 8) I was able to cut out several strips of left over fiberglass cloth to cover the foam. To keep each piece in place I used some good old fashioned duct tape, then I covered it with two coats of resin. Next step is to sand it down and start cutting it to the shape that I am looking for. Then I can start making the tail light mount for the fender. I’m thinking this fender will be for the sidecar wheel since it will have the easiest access.

Later, HL



Me likes!! :lol:
Avoid the dog house at all cost! I just found that miss informing the lady about bike related subjects is a good way to sleep in the proper place every night. Lack of interest in the subject from her behalf is very helpful too. :lol: - "Is that bike new?" - "No honey, I had this for ages" - "Oh, right, now I remember"... :D
"Are you building another bike??? -"oh this one?, no is the same I´ve been building for quite long now" - "I thought you had finished!" - "What?"
That´s how I do it :lol:

Plans are there, won´t go anywhere! :wink:
I really want to see those fenders done, keep up the good work my friend!
When I first saw this thread I thought "that side car is going to be too heavy to drag around..." but now that I see how you see the build, it makes total sense. I love it! I really hope this works out well. I can see myself attempting this sometime. Simply to bring my child with me (when I have one) or my dog (I'd get one just to ride in the side car!). The looks of amazement people will give you! Good luck with the build. I know everyone that has responded is excited to see it done! But don't rush it! We can be patient for your quality standards :D
Looks like you've made a great start with the fender! :)

Half Link said:
What is not more ratty than building your own parts no mater what the method! Fiberglass, steel, aluminum or a milk crate! If you can’t find it build it!!

Spot on buddy! :) That's how I see it too. But sometimes, even if I could find it I'd rather build it anyway. :D

Gdcast said:
"Is that bike new?" - "No honey, I had this for ages"


I agree with BrunneCustoms about being patient for your quality standard, it's worth waiting for. :)
As you two Half and Galt are both doing rear fenders, and I need a rear fender, I thought it may be a nice idea to build it in our beloved material, fibreglass. This way the three of us will be sharing in three different parts of the world the same amenitys that come with it , smell, itchiness the wonderful sanding... you guys made me miss all that! :lol:
Gdcast said:
This way the three of us will be sharing in three different parts of the world the same amenitys that come with it , smell, itchiness the wonderful sanding... you guys made me miss all that! :lol:

Yep, those are things to be missed. :lol: And you can't really talk to anyone while you're working with it either. Last tuesday it occured to me that when I try talking with the face mask on, I sound like Kenny in Southpark. :D
To reduce the itching a little, after sanding down the roughest spots of glass I apply another coat of polyester and sand that down. If the surface isn't smooth enough after that I repeat that step again. By doing so you don't have to sand as much of the glass, and the polyester dust isn't as itchy as the glass dust. It also reduces the risk of sanding through when you're working with thin layers of fiberglass. :)
Hey Gdcast!! That’s funny!! I just started thinking.... at the rate I’m going and the mess in my garage she would probably never notice! :lol: Are you going to build a fiberglass rear fender for LA ROTOSA? That would be really cool!! I love the things that you are doing on that build! 8) 8)

BrunneCustoms, Thank you very much for the kind words! You should really build one, they are fun to build and your right about the looks that I get! Thanks! :D

Hey Galtbacken!! I will indeed be following your lead on the fenders. My concerns of people getting in and out of the sidecar forced me to use extra fiberglass for strength but on the fenders I will only use one layer of glass and more resin like you have in your projects. I have been really impressed from the results and looks that you have achieved, in fact after I posted the above pictures I added more resin and will be sanding it down tonight. If time allows I will add another layer of resin so that I can sand and post more pictures tomorrow night. Thank you for your tips!!! :D

Thanks again everyone!! HL
Yes, La Rotosa will have a fibreglass fender, and probably (not quite sure yet) a fibreglass tank. :D :D :D
How will I get those rusty, I still don´t know, but they´ll get a rusty look for sure!
There are a number of companies that have a 2 part paint on faux rust set up.
Modern Masters is one. Baically you paint on a metalic base coat then top coat it with a solution that will rust it.
We use to get it from Pearl Art Supply but I am sure you could find it else were.
YAHOO!!!! La Rotosa’s getting a fiberglass fender!!!! :D :D 8) That is way cool my friend and maybe even a fiberglass tank? That would be sweet!! 8) You know I will be checking that out. As for the rusty look I think that g-ratter and yoothgeye have it nailed. Great tips guy’s!! Thanks!!! :D

Speaking of great tips, if Galtbacken tells me to jump off a bridge..... I’m jump’n! :D The one layer of fiberglass and several coats of resin are looking really good. After sanding a little on the first few coats of resin I was really starting to notice how well this method might work. The weather is a bit colder then when I built the sidecar body so once I get the mixing down just right I’m thinking that just two more coats will do the job and then I can retire the good old bondo can!! (for now anyway) :lol:

Later, HL


Looking great!!! :D
Where is that bridge WE´re jumping from??? :lol:
I will definitely be trying the Galt method, although my fender will be a lot less fancy.

As for the rusty look, I don´t think I can find that stuff in here g-ratter :cry: spent the last two days searching for a conduit bender at all mayor hardware stores, and no one even knows what that is around here! :|

So, I´m gonna have to build my own fork bender, and my own fake rust :wink:
The more difficult the more we like it! Right guys?

Keep going Half, fender is looking awesome!!