Leg Day SCRAP cruiser. Pulling the plug.

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:21: Exactly what I was thinking! I have the entire 5 book trilogy and a few others!

Wow! That's a cool wheel. I just checked out some of your builds on the page in your signature- some amazing builds over there!!! I'll be checking your build threads for inspiration but, man, I love all the fabrication and creativity! :cool:
Glad you like my craziness! Feel free to steal any ideas you want or ask any questions you need!

Great to see you back in the build off. Love seeing your creations.
Like the others, definitely looking forward to a Back42 build on the future.

amazing creativity and craftsmanship!
Thanks Jude!

Luke is very used to maneuvering with ease on these monster bikes. Just check out how well he glides through this slalom course on Pedro.

Hey @LukeTheJoker , it looks like that rear wheel may have come from Pedro.

Pedro was surprisingly agile!
The wheel from Pedro is still on Pedro, that was a 13" dirt sprint tyre. (Still doing the show circuit rounds in my old state from what I hear too.)
This one is a 15" road course racing slick, still a Hoosier though! I think I might have built it for an MBBO entry that didn't happen a few years back.

Might need to track down some shipping links to and from the ‘black stump’ (although Luke may offically be ‘beyond the black stump’). Send care packages of stripped bike parts and pay for the wide wheel fabrication too. We could start a sandbike revolution peculiar to Australia.
:21: 3 hours to our nearest city and 8 to our nearest state capital, which isn't even in our state!
Yep, middle of nowhere, but a truly amazing place, clear blue skies from horizon to horizon, skies bigger than you can imagine, red desert dirt and rock formations, wildlife everywhere from Kangaroos to lizards, Emus, birds of many varieties and a huge amount of wild goats!
Went to the dump shop for more parts today and one of the volunteers inquired what I was building with broken bike parts and the like, so I showed some pics of my builds, and after inviting another volunteer over and talking with him, they invited me to enter the "Waste to Art" statewide competition.

Just one minor issue...

Entries must be finished and displayed by June 11th.


I mean if I want to show it is made from scrap, it won't have to be painted and fully trimmed out, so that probably saves some build time?

Not sure I can do this, but I am going to try...

So, a new name is found!

Instead of "Leg Day" Show Cruiser, now we have "Leg Day" SCRAP Cruiser!

The hardest part will be finding or building a second hand seat, maybe I need to find an old shovel...
I might use old rope wrapped around for handlebar grips?
Great name change and goal.

I like how You can usually see bike parts in most things metal. 👍

I cut a seat out of an old water heater tank once and pounded into a spade shape. Used the engine hoist to stretch out one end of old trampoline springs to make it a big sprung seat. Even had some diamond plate.

As Jake would say... GET TO BUILDING....
Howdy all, sorry been away for a few days...

Had a couple of emergencies at my folks place, first the sewerage backed up and then the power went wonky. (Unrelated causes thankfully!)
Got an electrician in to get the power back on, but looks like a bit of upgrading will be happening in the near future, and spent the last 4 days on a mini excavator digging in a new drain line, the old original drain line was clay/terracotta pipe and had been punctured by a massive tree root, it really is a wonder the drains worked at all, it was a 4" pipe with a 3 1/2" tree root running through it for over 30 feet...

Got the new PVC drain line all hooked up now, but still have to back fill and re-level the driveway in the coming days.

Not sure I could make the deadline for the local competition with the lost days, but anyway, I will get back to this when I can.
Howdy all, sorry been away for a few days...

Had a couple of emergencies at my folks place, first the sewerage backed up and then the power went wonky. (Unrelated causes thankfully!)
Got an electrician in to get the power back on, but looks like a bit of upgrading will be happening in the near future, and spent the last 4 days on a mini excavator digging in a new drain line, the old original drain line was clay/terracotta pipe and had been punctured by a massive tree root, it really is a wonder the drains worked at all, it was a 4" pipe with a 3 1/2" tree root running through it for over 30 feet...

Got the new PVC drain line all hooked up now, but still have to back fill and re-level the driveway in the coming days.

Not sure I could make the deadline for the local competition with the lost days, but anyway, I will get back to this when I can.
You are taking care of the most important business first mate. And respect for getting on that mini excavator. Needed to be done but my guess is there will be recovery time needed. Hang in and even if it misses the official deadlines I will be looking forwards to you being able to ‘get back on the bike literally’.

I remember now why I tend not to join in these "Summer" build-offs...

It's way too cold here in the upside down this time of year...
The cold interacts badly with my illnesses and I end up in severe pain and barely able to move.

Need to get my workshop cleared of furniture and moving boxes to be able to work inside out of the weather for next time.

The parts can go into the pile for another build down the track.

Sorry everyone...

I remember now why I tend not to join in these "Summer" build-offs...

It's way too cold here in the upside down this time of year...
The cold interacts badly with my illnesses and I end up in severe pain and barely able to move.

Need to get my workshop cleared of furniture and moving boxes to be able to work inside out of the weather for next time.

The parts can go into the pile for another build down the track.

Sorry everyone...
Sorry Luke
Aw man. This was one of the most exciting builds. Can't work uncomfortable though. Waiting patiently for your weather to be better ;)
Sorry that you had to pull the plug, but it was nice reading through your journal again for the first time in a while.

I feel like you and I went through boot camp together since we joined only one week apart back in 2012! Looking forward to Back 42!
I'm happy that you were able to partially participate @LukeTheJoker , I really enjoy seeing your ideas and vision.

Are you going to finish the ideas you mocked up here some day?

You can't imagine how I love scrap builds. Stuff re-purposed, story's, visions, dust and rust. So do it for me :grin:

Take care and hope to see your magic again!
Sorry to hear you are out mate!. Life just throws curve balls at times. The good thing is,there are always more build-off's.
Thats cool Luke, only just warm enough here now I had shorts on yesterday, have you ever thought of moving up to QLD, the warmer climates helped me with aching bones and the dreaded , getting out of bed, we get about 6weeks of single digit temps then its back up there.
In any case hang in there mate 😎

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