I presently have a 20 gallon shop compressor that I bought in the eighties when they were still US made cast iron, a Specialized Air Tool hand pump and my latest addition is a Milwaukee M-12 Inflator Tool. I really like the Milwaukee as you just set the pressure you want and hit the power button. It's very light and portable and can even inflate truck tires to 120 PSI. Rumor has it that it is about 2 PSI off but I will eventually verify that, right now I add a few lbs to allow for that and for any air loss while disconnecting. I did add a quick release clamp to mine, they come with a screw on but that allows too much air loss for skinny high pressure tires.. Between vehicles and daily riders I am responsible for something like 35 tires. I also have a small pump that attaches to a bike frame for travel. What do you use?