lets see those rupp rods! (and other minibikes)

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Re: lets see those rupp rods! (pic's added)

KOTA said:
icyuod2 said:
Kota, i don't like you :wink: And did i happen't to mention, i don't like you.

Then again, perhaps its kenny p i don't like. :)
I know you like to take things to the NEXT level..........I'm kinda bored lately and I need something NEW to watch. Your builds amuse the snot outa me. I've got my hankie, so get buildin! (If your not up to the challenge I can just go look at something kenny's building.)

The fact that you don't like ME, makes me feel warm all over....THANKS Bro! :lol:

Welcome back kenny.

Well now its welded, I've decided to forgive you. :)

The fact that it looks way cooler has nothing to do with it i asure you.
Just can't live with the fact I'm making somebody feel warm all over. :wink:

kenny, thats the stock placement on a powerfist (princess auto) 6.5hp.
I'm gonna break 60 first, but up here in canada, everything's in kilometers. :) :lol: :)

hell ya kota, i'll change the title just for you.

i can't help but think, a set of straight bars would look ever so cool but the apes would be way more comfortable.
Just an idea...

You might wanna think about making the very back part of the seat kick up, like a spoiler. With all that brute power on tap, it may keep you from sliding off the back!!
i have a complete kz 78cc that doesn't work and a frame and that has some wheels... i thought of taking the roller and making it an electric ride.....
I think your minibike needs a seat. :) Just out of curiosity, what is the reasoning behind it being too dangerous to ride down the hill?
Do you not have brakes?

Worked on mine a little more yesterday.
I did manage to remove the lost piece of fork assembly from the handle bars. i just drilled a small hole
(thats now welded shut) and used a screwdriver to knock it out from above.
While I was working on the bars, I cut and folded them forward. All part of the big kid comfort package. :)

I also followed kenny p's lead with a handle bar custom exhaust. (Used 2' ape hangers
cause there a little thicker than other handle bars.)
Todays line of attack.
Gonna see if i can't build up the back end of the seat (using the same material, just adding a little extra foam)
And with any luck, i should be able to bang out the throttle,brake and front fork assemblies.
ready by monday for chrome/powder coater.
It sure has come a long way.

if you click on the picture and show you the hole thing and the you will see it has only 3/4 of a wheel lol but the brakes are the only thing that does work on that bike......
Von Stans said:
if you click on the picture and show you the hole thing and the you will see it has only 3/4 of a wheel lol but the brakes are the only thing that does work on that bike......
masterpoop has a running minibike (photobucket link) but in his vid he says he only drives it up the hill. lol
(something about it being too dangerous bout driving down it) It does look very steep, thats why i asked about the brakes.

princess auto sells wheels that will fit on your minibike. fairly cheap too.
the not running it down the hill is because of my mom and the helmet she wasnt sure of the strength of the scrub brake.i have a seat too its just i didnt want to put it on cause then i cant get to my gas tank
Mine's ready to ride (short of paint) and sitting in the sun porch. :(
My budy showed up with his boat this week and asked me to cut out the built in fiberglass gas tanks (the entire floor of the boat)
and rebuild a new fuel system.
It's turning out to be a huge job. It's not often I'm asked to take an angle grinder to a $30 000 toy, so i jumped at the chance. :)


here a short vid clip of the first time i fired it up. (didn't give it much of a chance to warm up, hense the sputtering when i turn the throttle.)
View My Video
The pipe sounds better than i expected. :)
well its just about buttoned up.

still gotta connect the gasline and personalize the tank.

Gonna call this one, l'il Miss B'have. I'll probably put it and an image of a female bee on each side of the tank.

pretty darn quick for a 6.5hp minibike. :)
thats a pretty slick little chopper there. love the pin striping!

did a little beautification myself.
If you told me a few weeks ago that i'd have a backyard full of mini bikes, i'd tell ya you were crazy.
It is however funny how things work out. Ya buy something old at a garage sale, then a friend says i have a few of those
in the barn you can have, and before long your girl friends pulling out her hair at the chaos that follow's :)

So ya got a back yard full of minibikes with less than a couple hundred bucks invested, what do ya do?

You might consider a quick flip, but what fun is that?
Perhaps the only thing missing from the equation, is beer, lots and lots of beer.
And so starts the drunken stupidness.

Remember the old hanna barbara cartoon Wacky races ?

While watching an episode of wacky races and drinkin beer,
One drunken stupid says to another drunken stupid, "what ya gonna do with all those mini bikes."
Other drunken stupid, reply's "we're gonna race em. oh come check out this cool soap box race vid on rrb."
One druken stupid " That rocks! We gotta race the mini bike's and make a vid"
Other drunken stupid "dude, your pushing 270 and i only weigh a buck fity. what kinda race is that gonna be?"
One drunken stupid " Well you get the little one" :?
I'll spare you the boring details, the conversation really went down hill from there. :)
Long and short. the second contestant for our cheesy wacky races event (Time place and date to be determind)

And here he is. The 2hp little indian with enough gusto to take on the taleban. With an ammo box full of dirty tricks,
and an attitude to match, i give you Malicious!



(Not forgetting, Miss B'have in the back ground. :)

If nothing else, it should be a good way to waste a weekend. :)
Galtbacken said:
Miss B'have is a cool little chick! That bee on the side of the tank looks, deservedly, really pleased with himself. :D

Thx bud, with any luck malicious will be equally as cool when finished.



GREAT! We did some minibike races out here for a few years... usually dirt courses, but at least once, we did a "Cannonball" across town on minibikes, dodging cops and picking up receipts from local businesses like a scavenger hunt on the way. Went something like: "Receipt for a Zagnut bar from 7-11," or,"ticket for breakfast burrito from Pepe's Surf & Taco".
We've given some thought to a mall race. :)

well heres the first run. still a couple bugs to work out, but for a stock motor she's pretty peppy.

threw the chain yesterday, so i suspect i need a chain tensioner after all.