We got our first real snow last night, and I must say I take back all the dread I've had for winter ... it was just a total blast. My Heavy-Duti is still nowhere near as complete as I want it to be, but it was rideable. Combine my Heavy-Duti not being complete with the experience I had of riding through last winter on 26 x 1 3/8 tires, and I can't say I was too pumped for this, but it was just amazing. A fresh blanket of snow that traffic hadn't touched yet ... so much fun.
It was at night, so the pictures suck, but here are a few anyways. It's my Heavy Duti and my wife's Westpoint:
I'm currently running Kenda Flame balloon tires on it. I don't have the studded tires yet; I figured I'd wait until I'm sure the bike is going to work before I make that investment. Not only did the tires work surprisingly well, my wife noted as she was following me that the tires leave flame tracks in the snow! It's hard to see, but here's a picture:
Now that I think of it, I joined these forums nearly a year ago simply because I wanted to get some information on building a balloon tire crusier for the winter. A year later, it's crazy to think about how much I've learned, and last night proved it was absolutely time well-spent. I know what I'm building isn't anything near as impressive as what others here build, but I'm very thankful that people here have all been so helpful in making it happen. I had more fun last night on that bike than I would have with anything I could've just bought off the shelf, and I think that's what this place is all about.
It was at night, so the pictures suck, but here are a few anyways. It's my Heavy Duti and my wife's Westpoint:

I'm currently running Kenda Flame balloon tires on it. I don't have the studded tires yet; I figured I'd wait until I'm sure the bike is going to work before I make that investment. Not only did the tires work surprisingly well, my wife noted as she was following me that the tires leave flame tracks in the snow! It's hard to see, but here's a picture:

Now that I think of it, I joined these forums nearly a year ago simply because I wanted to get some information on building a balloon tire crusier for the winter. A year later, it's crazy to think about how much I've learned, and last night proved it was absolutely time well-spent. I know what I'm building isn't anything near as impressive as what others here build, but I'm very thankful that people here have all been so helpful in making it happen. I had more fun last night on that bike than I would have with anything I could've just bought off the shelf, and I think that's what this place is all about.