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Sep 8, 2010
Reaction score
St. Mary's County Maryland
Rating - 0%
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I got this Rollfast in September. I posted it on the forum in the "Fresh Finds" first, but things are changing quickly, and I wanted to show the changes here. Why "Penny"? Just wait...you'll see.




I'm still looking for a chain guard. I have been through three now, but can't seem to put my hands on one that works. Can you help?

Re: Penny

DonQui said:
nice bike!!!
is penny the name for your bike or for the animal?

The bike is "Penny".

I'm also eager for input on the smaller front fender. I have the full size one that has the flared "duck tail", but am considering the "different" look of this one. Opinions on the fender anyone?
Re: Penny

the fender on it seems fitting.
idk how i missed it the first time, but that front springer fork looks cool, first 1 ive seen of its kind.
im in the process of building my own springer, and i want something different, and this is definetly different.
i like your whole bike, and it seems im not the only one, i think the animal likes it too. :mrgreen: (i live in so cal, not many farms around so idk what THE ANIMAL is, a cow? a steer? a bull?lol)
Re: Penny

Here's the latest revision.


These are the matching fenders from my $5.00 Murray donor bike. I tell you, that was $5.00 well spent! Wheels, chain ring, chain, gooseneck, handle bars, and handle grips all came from that bike. I hack-sawed 3 inches off the ends of the handlebars befor flipping them

Anyway, a chain guard is all that is keeping "Penny" out of the paint shop. Can anyone help me out with that one?

Thanks for looking!
Re: Penny

Big Fat Whitewalls said:
......makes it look like a dirt bike.......

I have to agree. Being new at this, my only option is to keep swapping out parts, assembling, and stepping back for a look. I have taken a hack saw to the rear fender and added a few well placed spacers. The one on the front needs a minor adjustment I think. Part of the "dirt bike" illusion is also the knobby mountain bike tires. They're on the bike because they were the only tires I have lying around at the moment. After the paint shop, a pair of "Big Fat Whitewalls" are at the top of the "To Buy" list!

Re: Penny

Well here it is. It's off to be sand blasted and powder coated. I'll be getting a new seat, and a bent back seat post is in the works too. I think you're going to like the color scheme I have decided on.

Re: Penny

55ColumbiaBuilt said:
Well here it is. It's off to be sand blasted and powder coated. I'll be getting a new seat, and a bent back seat post is in the works too. I think you're going to like the color scheme I have decided on.


Those fenders look much better! Cant wait to see it done!
Well here it is! And as promised, I'll explain my choice of name for my bike. It's interesting that it was my wife that brought home the 1955 Columbia Built that got me started in all this....and it was something she said that sealed the fate of this bike's name. After the Columbia, a co-worker led me to a tandem...the one I'm still working on. Next I got an AMC Flash while on a trip to Harper's Ferry, West Virginia. Neither of those bike would fit the bill of what I was looking for...not a tandem, and not another "girly bike"...I wanted a men's bike that I could ride while she rode the Columbia. Then it happened. I found this Rollfast on CraigsList in Baltimore, and went and got it. When my wife saw it for the first time (top picture of this thread) she said "Oh great! I guess these things are going to start turning up around here "LIKE A BAD PENNY"!

Yes honey, I guess they are...........



I took a total of 15 pictures, and I like the way they all turned out. You can see the rest of them on my webpage in my signature. Just click on the Rollfast link. I have also submitted one of the images to the Photo Contest.

Thanks for welcoming me into this way-cool family!

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