limo bike --------- some news p.5

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Re: limo bike FINISHED !!

I found very interesting stuff on your forum, I am a big fan of limo bikes .
Thanks for sharing. :) :lol:
Re: limo bike FINISHED !!

I don't know why but the name that comes to my mind is MOON BIKE! :D

Are you from there? Never so nothing like this! FrEaKiN flow and coooool bicycle! (is it still a bicycle?) :lol:

France on stars, just go ahead, you're the man!! :wink:
Re: limo bike FINISHED !!

Here are some news of my bike:
-headlight replacement
-new shifter
-storage case
-crankset modification
-some stickers
-vintage pulley speedometer

the pulley speedometer:

and how it works:
I had to machine a pulley to put on the wheel!
I find these old speedometer in flea markets, but in general there was just the counter and often in poor condition ....
that it has been restored!

it works great, I tested it with my gps